SoapUI RESTful - Response

The response editor contains several views for visualizing different types of responses −

  • XML − Shows the current response in XML format. SoapUI will attempt to convert HTML responses to XML, so they can be used in property transfers and scripts just like any other response messages in functional tests.

  • JSON − Shows a nicely-formatted rendering of the returned JSON response (if applicable).

Rendering Response

HTML − Renders the contents of an HTML response (if applicable). For example, if we create a REST service for SoapUI website and define the root page (“index.html”) as a resource with a GET method, we can see the results.

Raw − Shows the raw bytes received for the response.

Raw Byte

Headers − Shows all HTTP Headers received with the response.

Received Response

Attachments − Contains all MIME attachments returned by the response.

SSL-Info − Shows detailed information on the certificate and certificate chain used, if the request was sent over an SSL connection.

Representations − Shows the currently defined Response Representations for the containing method.
