Popular boards that can be programmed using Arduino IDE

Here are some popular boards that can be programmed using Arduino IDE −


  • This board is used primarily for IoT applications

  • It has WiFi and BlueTooth capabilities

  • To make this compatible with Arduino IDE, the following JSON has to be added to File → Preferences → Additional Boards Manager URLs

  • Next, you need to go to Tools → Boards Manager, search for ESP8266 and install this board.


  • This is an upgrade over ESP8266

  • It comes with two cores (supporting dual core operation) and in general has superior specs over ESP32

  • There are various variants of this board, some like the TTGO Board even having OLED, LoRa and SD Card support pre-built.

  • In order to program this with Arduino IDE, the following JSON has to be added to File → Preferences → Additional Boards Manager URLs.

  • Next, you need to go to Tools → Boards Manager, search for ESP32 and install this board


  • Teensy series of boards are very popular with hobbyists and are very helpful in prototyping

  • Teensy 3.5 comes with inbuilt SD Card holder integrated, making it very useful for several applications

  • In order to program your Teensy boards with Arduino, you need to download the Teensyduino Add-on. Follow the instructions here.

STM32 Blue Pill

  • This is a shorter version of the mighty STM32 series of microcontrollers.

  • It specifically appeals to the tinkering audience, and therefore, it is no surprise that Arduino IDE support was provided for this board

  • In order to use this board with the Arduino IDE, you can go to Boards Manager and search for STM32. Select the one containing STM32 F103Cxxx and click install.

  • Additional instructions can be found here.

  • Note that you will need to initially upload bootloader to the STM32 Blue Pill in order to be able to program it. You can find the instructions here.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2021


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