How to integrate WordPress with GitHub?

In today's technology age, having an operational website is essential for companies and sectors. Concerning crafting engaging and attractive websites, WordPress has been extensively favored. The reason is its user-friendly interface and a vast selection of add-ons. Conversely, GitHub has emerged as a notable platform for developers to cooperate and manage versions.

By combining the features of GitHub and WordPress, we can optimize our process of website development. This article provides a detailed guide on how to integrate WordPress with GitHub and take advantage of their combined advantages.

Why Integrate WordPress with GitHub?

Before we begin the process of integrating WordPress with GitHub, it’s very important to understand the advantages of integrating WordPress and GitHub. By integrating these two platforms, we can −

  • Keeping Track of Changes − GitHub offers a way to monitor and record the modifications made to our website's code over time. This ensures responsibility and makes it easy for developers to work together.

  • Efficient Code Management − GitHub enables effective organization and handling of our website's codebase, simplifying the process of reviewing, merging, and implementing changes.

  • Safeguarding and Restoration − GitHub acts as a dependable backup system for our website's code, adding an extra layer of protection. It also allows for effortless recovery in case of any unexpected issues.

  • Seamless Collaboration − GitHub promotes smooth collaboration among multiple developers. They can work on the same codebase simultaneously, avoiding conflicts and ensuring the smooth integration of new features and bug fixes.

  • Testing and Staging Environments − By integrating WordPress with GitHub, you can create separate branches dedicated to testing and staging. This enables you to experiment with new features or design alterations without affecting the live website.

Integration process

Now that we've established the benefits, let's dive into the integration process.

Step 1: Set Up a GitHub Repository

Firstly, we need storage or a GitHub repository where we can store the code of the WordPress website. Follow the steps below to create a new repository −

  • Log in to the GitHub account or if you do not have a account then create a new one.

  • In the top-right corner of GitHub homepage there is a "+" icon, click on that icon and select a "new repository" option.

  • Provide a new name to the repository that we have created.

  • Choose whether the repository should be private or public and add optional description.

Step 2: Using Git Make a connection from WordPress to GitHub

To connect the WordPress website to the recently created GitHub repository, follow the steps given below −

  • Access entry to the root directory of WordPress using either FTP or the file manager provided by your hosting provider.

  • Find the wp-config.php file and open it using a text editor.

  • Insert the subsequent lines of code right before the line that reads "That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing." −

// Enable Git deployment
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Save the changes to the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your server.

Step 3: Initialize the Git Repository

We have now configured WordPress to work with Git. Let’s now initialize the repository and make an initial commit −

  • Open the command prompt or the terminal and navigate to the WordPress root directory.

  • Run the below commands one by one to initialize the Git repository, add the files, and make the initial commit −

git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Step 4: Connect the GitHub Repository to Your Local Repository

Follow the steps below to connect the local repository to the GitHub repository −

Copy the SSH or HTTPS URL of your GitHub repository. You can find it on the GitHub repository page by clicking on the "Code" button.

In the command prompt or terminal, run the following command, replacing [repository URL] with the URL you copied −

git remote add origin [repository URL]

Push your local repository to the GitHub repository by running the following command −

git push -u origin master

Step 5: Manage Your WordPress Website Using Git and GitHub

Congratulations! We have now successfully integrated WordPress with GitHub. Now let's explore how to manage our website using Git and GitHub −

Create branches for different features or bug fixes. You can use the following command to create a new branch −

git branch [branch name]

Switch to a different branch using the following command −

git checkout [branch name]

Make changes to the code and commit them using the git commit command. Remember to provide descriptive commit messages to maintain clarity and transparency.

Push the changes to the GitHub repository using the git push command. This will make our changes available for collaboration and deployment.


In conclusion, integrating WordPress and GitHub allows us to oversee the progress of our website, collaborate efficiently with our group, and guarantee a seamless online existence. By adhering to the guidelines given in this post, we can effortlessly merge WordPress with GitHub and make the most of their combined benefits.

Updated on: 08-Aug-2023


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