Install wordpress on localhost with xampp server

WordPress is a free content management system (CMS) and well-known across the globe. It is an open source CMS based on MySQL and PHP. Beginners generally begin with WordPress on localhost. Here’s how we start with WordPress on localhost using XAMPP.


Content Management System (CMS) − A CMS has a central interface that is used to publish, edit, modify, and maintain content. Some well know CMS include, WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

WordPress− It is an open source content management system founded by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. It was initially released in the year 2003 and its current version is WordPress 4.4.

Xampp− It was created by Apache Friends and is an open source cross-platform web server solution stack. XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P).

PhpMyAdmin− It is an open source tool to handle MySQL administration on a web browser. PhpMyAdmin perform useful tasks like creating a new database, modifying or deleting it, adding tables, executing SQL statements, managing permissions, etc.

Steps to Install WordPress on localhost

Before starting, let us first install XAMPP server.

Step 1

Go to XAMPP official website (Apache Friends) and download XAMPP.

Here’s the screenshot showing the download link −

Figure 1- Download XAMPP server

Step 2

As in the above step, download XAMPP and install it in the directory. We have installed it in the following directory −


Figure 2: XAMPP Directory

Now we can see the following in the directory after the installation. Here you can locate htdocs

Open htdocs and create a folder name which would be your project name. Here we have considered the name “AmitDemoWebsite”.

Step 3

Now download WordPress, the current version is 4.4.2. Here’s the screenshot from the WordPress official website where we can see the download link for

Figure 3- Download WordPress

Step 4

So, after downloading, just copy and paste it to Xampp->htdocs->AmitDemoWebsite folder −


Step 5

Now unzip the to the AmitDemoWebsite folder.

Here’s the screenshot after unzip at C:\xampp\htdocs\AmitDemoWebsite\

Figure 4- Unzip WordPress

Step 6

Now open XAMPP and start APACHE and MySQL. Here, we are using the Windows 10 OS. Go to start and type “XAMPP”.

Click “XAMPP Control Panel”.

Figure 5- Start XAMPP

Now, we can see the following window

Figure 6 – Start Apache and MySQL

After clicking Start, we can see the successful running status −

Figure 7- Running status of Apache and MySQL

Step 7

Open the web browser, type localhost and press enter. Now we can see the XAMPP dashboard. If the dashboard is visible, it means everything is working fine.

Figure 8- XAMPP Dashboard

Step 8

Now we will enter the project folder from the browser. For that, type localhost/AmitDemoWebsite/ on the address bar and press enter. After pressing enter we will be redirected to WordPress installation as in the following screenshot −

Figure 9: WordPress Setup initiated

Selecting the language English (United States), clicking Continue will redirect us to the following step for database.

Figure 10: Database Information

The above step is notifying us to create a database before moving further, since it will ask for database information after clicking “Let’s go!”. So, follow the below given step for creating a database using PhyMyAdmin.

Step 9

Open another browser tab and type http://localhost/phpmyadmin and press enter. Now we will reach the PhpMyAdmin page. Here’s the screenshot −

Figure 11: PhpMyAdmin

Above you can see more than five databases already created on the left side. Now, create a new database as in the following step 10.

Step 10

Click “New” from the left and we can see a place to add the name of a new database. Here, we have added the name “DemoDB” as in the following screenshot. After entering the name, click “Create”.

Figure 12: New Database DemoDB

Now we can see the Database successfully created and is present in the list on the left as well.

Figure 13: DemoDB created

Step 11

Continue with step 8-9 now and click “Let’s Go!”.

After clicking, we need to add our database connection details. We have added the following information with database name DemoDB. You can leave the Password field empty right now as shown below. You can also add the table prefix, but we would suggest to keep it as it is to avoid confusion since you have just started with WordPress.

Figure 14: Database Connection details

Now we can see the following is visible, that means WordPress is ready to install on localhost. Click “Run the Install”

Figure 15: Run the Install

Step 12

Now, get ready to enter the site details. We have added the following, the password is already provided, you can also change it. The Username and Password will help you to login to your own website −

Site Title− Amit New Website

Username− WebEditorialStaff

Password− (enter password)

You Email− (enter email)

Search Engine Visibility: Keep it as it is

Here’s the screenshot −

Figure 16: Add Site Details

Click “Install WordPress”

Step 13

Success! Congratulations, now we can see the following screenshot on successful installation of WordPress.

Figure 17- WordPress successfully installed

Step 14

Click “Login In” as visible in the above Figure 17. Enter the same Username: WebEditorialStaff mentioned above with the chosen password. Here’s the screenshot −

Figure 18 – Log In to your WordPress Website

Step 15

Great! We just entered the website admin and WordPress Dashboard. Here’s the screenshot −

Figure 19 – AmitDemoWebsite WordPress Dashboard

For viewing the homepage of your demo website, just type (sample – http://localhost/AmitDemoWebsite) on the address bar and press enter. Here we can see our demo website with the same site name −

Figure 20- AmitDemoWebsite home page


So, this was a tutorial to start with WordPress on localhost using XAMPP. Through this tutorial you learned −

  • How to start with Xampp
  • How to create a new database using Xampp
  • How to start with WordPress
  • How to connect new database with WordPress
  • How to run your first demo WordPress website on localhost.

If you have any questions, then please mention in the comments section.

Updated on: 21-Oct-2019


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