How to highlight all the values from a group on hover in Python Plotly?

Plotly has features to group data values. You can also highlight all the values from a group on hover. In this tutorial, we will use to generate the figures. It contains a lot of methods to customize the charts.

Follow the steps given below to highlight all the values from a group on hover.

Step 1

Import the module and alias as pio.

import as pio

Step 2

Create a list of values to form a dictionary.

fonts = ['Arial', 'Arial', 'Courier', 'Arial', 'Courier', 'Arial']
shade = ['bold','bold','italic','italic','bold','bold']
score = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Step 3

Create a scatter plot based on X and Y-axis coordinate values and apply groupby for fonts and set styles for the dictionary of values.

data = [dict(
   type = 'scatter',
   x = shade,
   y = score,
   mode = 'markers',
   transforms = [dict(
      type = 'groupby',
      groups = fonts,
      styles = [
         dict(target = 'Arial', value = dict(marker = dict(color = 'blue'))),
         dict(target = 'Courier', value = dict(marker =
         dict(color = 'red'))),
         dict(target = 'bold', value = dict(marker = dict(color = 'black'))),
         dict(target = 'italic', value = dict(marker =
         dict(color = 'green')))

Step 4

Let us generate the figure with dictionary of values and plot the graph. It is defined below,

fig_dict = dict(data=data), validate=False)


Here is the complete code to highlight all the values from a group on hover −

import as pio

fonts = ['Arial', 'Arial', 'Courier', 'Arial', 'Courier', 'Arial']
shade = ['bold','bold','italic','italic','bold','bold']
score = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

data = [dict(
   type = 'scatter',
   x = shade,
   y = score,
   mode = 'markers',
   transforms = [dict(
      type = 'groupby',
      groups = fonts,
      styles = [
         dict(target = 'Arial', value = dict(marker = dict(color = 'blue'))),
         dict(target = 'Courier', value = dict(marker =
         dict(color = 'red'))),
         dict(target = 'bold', value = dict(marker = dict(color = 'black'))),
         dict(target = 'italic', value = dict(marker =
         dict(color = 'green')))

fig_dict = dict(data=data), validate=False)


It will show the following output on the browser: −

Observe that when you hover the mouse over a point, it will highlight all its values.

Updated on: 07-Oct-2022


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