How to hide the Y-axis tick labels on a chart in Python Plotly?

Plotly is an open-source Python plotting library for creating charts. Python users can use Plotly to create interactive web-based visualizations. It can also be used in static document publishing and desktop editors such as PyCharm and Spyder.

In this tutorial, we will show how you can hide the Y-axis tick labels on a Plotly chart −

  • Here, we will use the plotly.graph_objects module to generate figures. It contains a lot of method to generate charts.

  • In addition, we will use the Layout method and its properties, showticklabels and visible" to show/hide the tick labels.

Follow the steps given below the hide the Y-axis tick labels on a chart.

Step 1

Import the plotly.graphs_objs module and alias as go.

import plotly.graphs_objs as go

Step 2

Create a bar chart to set the layout and title values.

fig = go.Figure(
   layout_title_text="Hide y-axis",
   layout = {
      'xaxis': {'title': 'x-axis',
         'visible': True,
         'showticklabels': True},
      'yaxis': {'title': 'y-axis',
         'visible': False,
         'showticklabels': False},

Step 3

Set the margin coordinates for all the direction.

'margin': dict(
   l = 20, # left
   r = 15, # right
   t = 30, # top
   b = 40, # bottom


The complete code to hide Y-axis label as follows,

import plotly.graph_objects as go fig = go.Figure( data=[go.Bar(y=[10,20,30,40])], layout_title_text="Hide Y-axis Tick Labels", layout = { 'xaxis': {'title': 'x-axis', 'visible': True, 'showticklabels': True}, 'yaxis': {'title': 'y-axis', 'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False}, # specify margins in px 'margin': dict( l = 20, # left r = 15, # right t = 30, # top b = 40, # bottom ), }, ) fig.update_layout(width=716, height=350)


On execution, it will show the following output on the browser −

Observe that the Y-axis tick labels are hidden in the chart.

Updated on: 21-Oct-2022

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