Habitica Alternatives

What is Habitica?

Habitica is a game which you can play to improve your habits. It provides you with real−life tasks and gives rewards if you complete the tasks successfully. You will progress in the game if you complete all the given tasks successfully. If any task is not completed successfully, your character will start moving back. The routine tasks have to be completed each day. The progress in the game will help you in improving your habits.

Price Plans of Habitica

Habitica can be used for free and you can also donate some amount to support the platform. There are four optional subscriptions whose details can be found in the table below:





3 Monthly


6 Monthly




Why Habitica Alternatives?

There are a few disadvantages with the platform and some of them can be found in the list below:

  • Only one−time tasks are available

  • Limited features

  • Not much motivational

  • User interface is difficult to understand

  • Desktop app not available

How to choose a Habitica Alternative?

Habitica has many advantages and we will see some of them in the list below:

  • Track users’ statistics

  • Free to use

  • Can be customized easily

  • Helps in building good habits

  • A lot of features for task management

Top 10 Habitica Alternatives

Habitica has many alternatives and we will discuss some of them in detail.

Alternative 1 − DailyHabits

DailyHabits is an app which can help you to improve your daily habits. The tool is considered as an excellent alternative to Habitica. You can view your monthly activities through the calendar. It will also let you know about the things on which you have to give priority. The app can be easily accessed on mobile browsers so you can check your details from anywhere.

Alternative 2 − Trackabi

Trackabi is an alternative to Habitica and comes with a lot of features. It is a productivity app which users can use to keep an eye on their daily activities. Achievements and karma points are awarded if users reach their goals successfully. You will get less karma points if your productivity is less. Reaching goals successfully motivates users to accomplish more tasks.

Alternative 3 − Focus Bear

Focus Bear is a Habitica alternative and provides guidance to improve your habits. It also helps you to prevent distraction from various devices whether it is desktop or mobile. Many features are available in the app and one of them is early morning routines. These routines will help you to get acquainted with your fitness goals and achieve them. Habitica can be a good option for game lovers but Focus Bear helps those people who are easily distracted and are unable to complete a given task.

Alternative 4 − Streaks

Streaks is an app which can be used to track habits. It is a great alternative to Habitica because it has many features which can be used to track all kinds of habits. The app can be used by only iPhone users. You can make habit streaks by using the app. Daily, weekly, and monthly habits can be easily tracked through this app. You can set whether activities have to be done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also set specific days for specific habits.

Alternative 5 − ClickUp

ClickUp is another alternative to Habitica. The app can be used to brainstorm yourself to leave a bad habit with the help of Mind Maps. You can arrange habits according to priority. The goals set by ClickUp can be broken into small targets which have to be completed in a given time. There is a new goal option which you can use to create new goals and achieve them successfully.

Alternative 6 − Habitify

Habitify is a simple app which comes with an attractive and simple user interface. You will find a list of habits on the tool daily. You just need to complete each of them and click the checkbox. It also has a Dark Mode feature which helps in relaxing your eyes from strain. You can also find graphs and charts which will show you the progress of your habit.

Alternative 7 − The Fabulous

The Fabulous is another substitute for Habitica. The tool can be used to track goals scheduled for long and short periods. You can give priority to your mental health and build healthy habits. It has a daily planner which you can use to create healthy habits. The tool will help you to focus on the main tasks so that you can complete them on time.

Alternative 8 − Any.do

Any.do is a mobile app which can be used to add tasks and organize them according to priority. You can set dates for the completion of each task. You can do all this with the help of the Plan my Day feature. This will help you in remembering the tasks that you have to do each day and which ones to complete. The platform can integrate with Google and Outlook calendars which can help you in checking your tasks and their due dates.

Alternative 9 − Everyday

Everyday is a habit−tracking app which comes with a simple user interface. The app lets you see your habits in the form of a list on the left side. If you perform a habit, you have to mark it as 'done'. The app can be used on Android and iOS devices. You can also use the app on a web browser.

Alternative 10 − Toggl

Toggl is another time−tracking app which can be used as a substitute for Habitica. The tool consists of gamified features which help in the improvement of your management skills. Users can see the progress of their activities which will help them in getting motivated. It has leaderboard feature which helps in improving competitive skills.


Habitica is an app which can be used to improve daily habits. you can set up the tasks along with due dates and then complete them accordingly. Your game will go ahead only if given tasks are completed. The tool has a few disadvantages like limited features, difficult user interface, no desktop app, and many more. There are many Habitica alternatives which you can choose to manage your routines. Some of them are Any.do, Trackabi, and Toggl.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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