Om Sharma has Published 92 Articles

What is the secret formula of Coca-Cola?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:26:38


Oh! I got to know about this when I first saw Amir Khan, our superstar and Mr. Perfectionist, backing Coca-Cola for not having any pesticides in a TV commercial because Coke was facing the charges of using (and I believe is still) plenty of pesticides in the drink so that ... Read More

Why is cricket not played at the Olympics?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:17:22


Well, cricket has been played once at the modern Summer Olympic Games in 1900 and it was played the only time. In this contest, only men's cricket team played and Great Britain won the medal. Recently, the demand to include it in the Olympics surfaced and a big question mark ... Read More

Is affiliate a good option for an online gaming platform?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:11:49


Affiliated marketing is undoubtedly a great option for any platform as affiliate marketer are exploring new and amazing ways to draw in more methods of income. Affiliate marketing helps you earn a commission for each successful referral. The number of traffic you bring to a website decides how often they ... Read More

What are the measures taken to make EVMs tamper proof?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 26-Jun-2020 07:07:02


Let me tell you that it’s an EVM machine, not a toy. If anyone can hack mobile towers then I think EVMs can also be tampered with. The results of the recent Gujrat assembly elections (BJP:99-CONG:77) show that there was no tempering done with EVMs and I do not claim ... Read More

How to Calculate Mining Profitability?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Before you make your mind to go for crypto mining, you must get an in-depth clue of how can you utilize your money as well as other weapons. It is a fact that a huge sum goes into the expensive bitcoin ASICs. If you can bear the expenses, well enough ... Read More

What is Ripple?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


First, let us understand that Ripple is both a currency as well as a platform. Its platform is an open source protocol, which is created to allow quick and inexpensive transactions. Quite contrary to Bitcoin that wan never intended to be an easy payment gateway, the power of Ripple will ... Read More

What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


A couple of years ago, I came across Bitcoins and I immediately looked for some info about it before I would die of curiosity. After going through a decent deal of content over it, I realized that the information on this hot topic is not substantial and rather it is ... Read More

What are Bitcoin Mining Pools?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Bitcoin mining pools are nothing but a way for Bitcoin miners to pool their resources together. It also includes the sharing of their hashing power while distributing the payoff equally as per the amount of shares they contributed to puzzling out a block.Members of the Bitcoin mining pool gets a ... Read More

What is SegWit?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


SegWit is an acronym for Segregated Witness and is a solution to a flaw in the Bitcoin protocol. It actually changes the way data is stored. A developer Pieter Wiulle first brought up this idea at the Scaling Bitcoin conference in 2015. This was considered as the much-needed breakthrough to ... Read More

Why to use Bitcoin?

Om Sharma

Om Sharma

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


When digital or crypto currency gets a mention, bitcoin is the first thing that strikes the minds of the expert investor as well as the fanciers. Bitcoin can be referred as a virtual currency or a medium of conducting digital transactions just like any other digital currency. So, how is ... Read More
