Found 203 Articles for YouTube

How to Add a Custom Thumbnails to a YouTube Video using YouTube mobile App?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:27:31


YouTube thumbnails are the first impression of your content. YouTube thumbnails are small, clickable images, that are visible to audiences when they search for videos, they are equally important as a video’s title and description because they provide a preview of the video and motivate viewers to click them. Thumbnails are like the cover of the book. A book is judged by its cover and a good cover compels everyone to purchase it. An ordinary or YouTube-suggested thumbnail, will not attract viewers to watch the video. An impressive and amazing thumbnail makes a huge difference in the ranking of a ... Read More

How to set Video quality preference in YouTube mobile app?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:23:49


Video streaming google platform i.e., YouTube comes with a variety of features to entertain audiences. one can watch movies, songs, web series, DIY videos or any other old episodes of your favourite series that can be watched on YouTube itself. The video streaming app has made our life stress-free. We get to know the solution to every problem just by searching it on YouTube. As a creator, one can upload videos on YouTube be it fashion videos, awareness videos, funny videos, or how-to videos. We can watch YouTube anytime if we have a proper internet connection. To have ... Read More

How to manage watch time on YouTube mobile App?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:21:02


YouTube, the most popular video-sharing platform, gets 300 hours of video uploaded every minute on it. With that amount of content to watch, anyone who is passionate about viewing is bound to spend too much of his time on YouTube.This binge-watching has negative side effects on the mental and physical health of human beings. Advocacy groups and researchers raised the alarm about the negative effects of too much screen time, so tech companies were forced to act on this issue. YouTube has announced New Safety and Digital well-being options, especially for younger people on YouTube and YouTube Kids. This ... Read More

How to enable Data saving in YouTube mobile app?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:18:04

1K+ Views

Streaming videos on a mobile YouTube app can be quite a data eater. The unending maze of videos can cause a viewer to burn through all the data allowance faster than expected. Watching a lot of videos daily and that too in high quality can skyrocket data usage on your smartphone data plan. So, if you want to enjoy YouTube content endlessly, you must maximize how many videos you are getting for limited data caps and by selecting a data saver option. The good news is that there are ways by which you can use YouTube on its mobile ... Read More

How to download YouTube mobile app videos using third party app?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:15:56


YouTube has trillions of videos, and more than millions of active viewers each day on the platform. Everyone watches videos on the Internet and wants to download the videos they like. YouTube does not provide us with the facility of downloading online. But it can be done by using a lot of software. So, the use of a third-party YouTube downloader comes to facilitate the downloading. These days most people have smartphones, which provide PC-like usability that makes YouTube even better to operate. Today in this article I will be discussing two major YouTube downloaders. YouTube only provides an ... Read More

How to delete videos from Watch later on YouTube Mobile App?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:07:09


The YouTube app has a very handy feature to save videos and watch them later. The “Watch Later” function is perfect for those viewers who do not have the time to finish a video. They save it for a future time. YouTube, gives us an option to create a watchlist like the ones we make on OTTs. Whenever you come across a video you find interesting but do not have the time to watch, you can put it in the ‘Watch Later playlist. By clicking on the three dots next to the video and then tapping on the “Add to ... Read More

How to delete search history in YouTube mobile App?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 11:04:20


YouTube have an algorithm working behind every search made on YouTube by the user. It remembers the user's search and suggests other searches and video feeds based on it. This all remains in the memory of the YouTube algorithm as well as in your device, whether it be a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. The history is the same in all devices logged under the same ID. To maintain privacy, Google allows its viewers to delete viewing history whenever they want. The viewers can delete a particular search topic or delete the whole search items in one go. ... Read More

How to delete Own YouTube channel using Mobile YouTube App?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 13:37:53


The importance of YouTube and the need to have a channel in today’s scenario is visible. Today YouTube is the 2nd most visited social media website having a whopping audience of over 2 billion on the platform monthly. As an entrepreneur, one of the easiest and fastest ways of promoting your brand or skill is via the YouTube platform. So, you must know how to make a YouTube channel on a handy device like your phone, so that you can operate it easily. Having overwhelming subscribers on the channel becomes an added advantage. The clarity on the importance ... Read More

Tips and Tricks for Starting your Own Podcast?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 13:12:54


Podcasting may be fun, exciting, and profitable for you. Starting a podcast is a fantastic way to share your thoughts, topics, themes, and desire to chat about something you enjoy. Yet, before beginning your podcast, there are a few essential things to consider. Odds are that you want your show to have the best chance of being successful, even if it will only be a hobby at first. Between a show with no listeners and one with a huge audience of engaged fans, some preparation before you launch makes all the difference. A podcast is an audio program that ... Read More

How YouTube New Hashtag Showcase Assist in Content Discovery and research?

Prachi Gupta
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 13:09:41


YouTube Adds New Hashtag Showcase Pages to Help You Find Content. YouTube has just introduced a new hashtag search facility that displays users a full-page display of YouTube videos, as well as usage statistics, that include the chosen hashtag. Beyond content discovery and research, this update may be used for a variety of purposes. On both desktop and mobile versions of the YouTube app, the new hashtag search display is now available. "Today, anyone looking for a certain hashtag on YouTube will notice a new dedicated page featuring videos solely containing the hashtag, which are organized to keep the greatest ... Read More

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