Found 989 Articles for Software & Coding

How to Install and Get Started with Symfony 2 on Ubuntu

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:21:00


Symfony is a full-stack, open-source PHP framework. It’s well known for its independent components which can be easily integrated into any other PHP project. The Symfony framework is suitable for building personal home page applications of any length, consisting of console programs supposed to run only at the command line. This article explains about – How to install and get started with symfony 2 on Ubuntu.Before we get started out, we’ll want to put in PHP for the command line environment. To install the php7.0-cli package, use the following command-$ sudo apt-get install php7.0-cliYou should now have PHP installed on ... Read More

How to Install and Configure Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:07:45


In this article, we will learn about how to install and configure the Nginx Web server. Nginx is the most popular web server where some of the most popular and high traffic sites are hosted where it is more friendly and secured than Apache and it is also used as a web server.PrerequisitesUbuntu 16.04 installed on the machine with a non-root user with sudo permissions on the machine.Installing the Nginx in MachineWe can install the Nginx, which is available on Ubuntu’s default repository so can directly install the Nginx using the apt command.Before we install the Nginx we needed to ... Read More

DevOps – A Solution To Quick Releases

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 09:23:58


Quickly releasing a new product or new features to the market is a challenging task for the organizations worldwide. The toughest job is to bring together all the distinct groups such as Development, Quality Assurance and IT Operations to get the work done in a quickest way to release the product as soon as possible.It has been seen that processes and practices are kept on evolving to overcoming those challenges. Just a decade ago there is no such term called DevOps exists in our corporate world, but later in 2009, a methodology defined a set of processes to collaborate and ... Read More

Collectl: An Advanced All-in-One Performance Monitoring Tool for Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 08:02:23


The predominant project of a Linux approach administrator is to make certain that the system is in an excellent condition. Collectl is used to collect performance information that describes the present process popularity. Unlike most of the other monitoring tools, collectldoes no longer center of attention in a restricted number of process metrics. Instead it can gather information on many different types of system resources such as cpu, disk, memory, network, sockets, tcp, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs and buddyinfo. This article explains about how to install collectl.FeaturesIt runs interactively, as a daemon or both.It displays the ... Read More

Codelgniter-One of the Best Open Source Frameworks

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 07:31:04


For years, developers desperately needed a highly efficient and flexible framework that can not only help them establish effective applications but also give the liberty to bring their creativity and imagination. During that time, CodeIgniter emerged as the most agile, feature-rich and convenient alternative for developers. They love it madly for its quality to let all your creativity skills to life and develop extremely refined applications and minimizing coding.CodeIgniter enjoys the tag of one of the best in class frameworks loaded with a number of features including high security, convenient handling, exceptional stability and personalization.Although, bringing CodeIgniter into use and ... Read More

Rainbow Stream – An Advanced Command-line Twitter Client for Linux

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:50:44


Rainbow Stream is a free and open source Twitter-consumer for Linux command-line, released under MIT License. It is competent of showing Rea ltime tweet stream, compose a tweet, search, favorite, etc.It is written in Python and built on high of Twitter API and Python Twitter Tool. To run this application in your console you must have installed python and pip version 2.7.x or 3.x.FeaturesIt is a free and open source twitter-client for Linux command-line.It is capable of rendering twitter image in Terminal.It supports Proxy.It supports interactive mode.Theme customization is implemented.It has the capability of showing real-time twitter stream.You can tweet, ... Read More

Trace Your Requirements with A Traceability Matrix (RTM)

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:46:58


The backbone of any project lies with requirements. The requirements identified, collected and documented at the initial stages, are generally designed, coded, tested, and takes the shapes of a product or an application to be used by the customers later. Those requirements are referred at any point of time by the team and other stakeholders to check whether the current project requirements are being met. And tracking back those bulk of requirements at the later stage of the project by manually examining the relationship between them is a cumbersome affair.Business Scenario – Case StudiesLet’s discuss a scenario, Mr. A is ... Read More

Popular Public Clouds

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:37:16


Cloud computing plays a crucial role in information and technology sector. It has changed the dimension of the society. Most of the companies are moving towards cloud due to its cost efficiency and scalability. Moving towards a new technology shouldn’t be an additional burden for the organization. Complete analysis on cost aspects of cloud and knowing the advantages of the cloud will avoid such unnecessary issue. As there are few cases where the existing environment will be cost efficient than moving to the cloud. The success of migration depends upon the choice of the cloud. This article will highlight the ... Read More

Top 10 UNIX Command Line Mistakes

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:24:36


As the saying goes – A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. In IT world too mistakes are commonly done by new comers in the field due to inexperience. The Unix world is no different from the rest, and system admins unknowingly tend to commit some avoidable errors in their early days in the beginning of their career. Here are a few mistakes which are made by new system admins or users while working at UNIX prompt.This article explains the 10 most common Linux mistakes.userdel ... Read More

The Story of Captcha and its Variants

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:26:30


Coined by a creatively influential and inventive team of Carnegie Mellon professors comprising Luis von Ahn, Nicholas J. Hopper, John Langford and Manuel Blum, CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Captchas was first put to use in the early 2000 by the reputed search engine giants Alta Vista and Yahoo. Touted as one of the most powerful weapons that helps fight web spams and dubious chat bots, Captcha is a befitting solution to prevent fraud URL submissions as well.Turing TestTuring test is a test named after the father of modern computer science- ... Read More
