Found 99 Articles for Sales & Marketing

Why do marketers stress on particular colors to promote their products?

Pinki Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It has now been scientifically proven that colors leave a powerful influence on our psychology and play a crucial role in affecting our decisions. This fact has been cleverly harnessed by marketers at present because 93 per cent of buyers get affected by the visual appearance and 83 percent accepted that it was only the color of a particular product that made them buy it.Blue is usually considered a manly color. It denotes peace, tranquillity, water, sky, reliability, etc. It offers a sense of security, control appetite and boosts productivity. Brands that want to promote trust in their products use ... Read More

What are the leading milk brands available in India?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Milk is known as "complete food". I remember while growing up as a child, my mother used to ask me to read aloud this line in my Science textbook repeatedly so that I could drink milk daily.Nowadays there are many brands of milk available. Here are a few of them:Amul: Amul is an Indian dairy cooperative, based at Anand in Gujarat. Amul can be known as the first brand of milk and is not only famous for milk but also cream, paneer, cheese, and other milk products.Vita: It is also a famous milk brand with other related dairy products as ... Read More

What are Guerrilla Marketing Strategies?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The concept of Guerrilla marketing was created by Jay Conrad Levinson. Traditional marketing involves advertising methods such as advertising on television, radio, print, and mail. Online marketing or Digital marketing is the type of advertising which we see today on websites, YouTube videos, blogs, etc. Whereas, Guerrilla Marketing is an inexpensive method that focuses more on reach rather than frequency. This style of marketing is effective for small businesses to advertise their product and services. One needs to have imagination, energy and time for this kind of advertising.Give an ImpactThis kind of advertising engages the customers with the product and ... Read More

What is AMBUSH Marketing? Why is it known as surprise attack?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Ambush, as the name implies, is a surprise marketing. The term Ambush marketing was coined by Jerry Welsh, a marketing strategist. Ambush marketing is a type of marketing where the marketer associates the product with an event or property and the marketer is not directly or officially related to that event. This is a type of Guerilla marketing.To be more precise, we often happen to watch some advertisements which refer to some events or personalities indirectly without mentioning them officially. Such advertisements have a lot of impact on unknowingly.Grab the OpportunityThis kind of advertising is done by utilizing the opportunities ... Read More

What are unethical digital marketing techniques?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Marketing is a concept which is related to beliefs. With marketing, a consumer is made to believe that a certain product or service delivers the results mentioned. Whether it is digital or traditional, marketing is a tool to sell your product or service by gaining trust. But with the increasing attention towards digital marketing, there are many unethical practices prevailing. Recently, social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have made their rules more stringent so as to avoid unethical practices in the digital marketing field.What Are They Like?It is unethical to do false marketing by conveying the false messages into ... Read More

What is the best site to invest money in stock market?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 09:05:32


Trading in share market and earning through it is not easy, especially for a novice because it requires a fair deal of knowledge vis-a-vis how share market works otherwise your excitement may end up in a regret with some money at stake.Yes, websites can give you an overall idea about the market and its principles but the issue is there is end number of websites that erect the chances of making the reader confused. Therefore, authentic websites with informative stuff are what you need to gain fair knowledge.There are people who do their own research in the market, various companies, ... Read More

Is it true that Patanjali products are manufactured by a third party and only labeled by Patanjali?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 11-May-2022 11:19:56


It would be unrealistic to assume that a business can grow the way Patanjali did with just one food-park. Diehard fans of Baba Ramdev might like to believe that all of Patanjali's products are made in their food park in Haridwar but that's not really the case because Patanjali does outsource the manufacturing of some of its products to certain other companies in different parts of the country. Is it wrong?The TruthI don't think so as long as there's strict quality control of all the products that are outsourced, or for that matter, manufactured in Patanjali's own plant. Some ethical ... Read More

Why should I use Hubspot?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:45:27


Hubspot is used in your Inbound Marketing system to manage and run it smoothly. It makes the creation of workflows very easy and user actions and events can be clearly defined which can be triggered automatically. This helps greatly in the automation of your marketing system. One of the best inbound software currently out there is HubSpot.It's A Complete Marketing Platform.Previously marketers were forced to juggle between different platforms to reach their potential customers. Hubspot is all in one tool where you can create and optimize your content, nurture leads and at the same time monitor contacts as they evolve ... Read More

Amazon can soon lessen the number of small inexpensive items you can order.

Om Sharma
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 10:56:56


The e-commerce giant,, now seems to be getting entrapped into the margin-crushing war as it is going to offload costs onto suppliers and reduce the number of single, low-cost items buyers can purchase. The whole change is being made just to offset the blooming shipping costs.In a major move in strategy, Amazon is increasing the transportation fees for a supplier of diapers, beverages, and other heavy products that go beyond the affordable range for the giant to deliver.Moreover, Amazon will probably put an end to the selling of tiny products like soap, toothbrushes, nail paint or a lipstick unless ... Read More

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