Found 124 Articles for Cryptography

What makes blockchain secure?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 13:16:41


Today blockchain is a buzzword everyone is talking about; it might be related to cryptocurrencies, web3, or metaverse; we all have come across the term. But what exactly is the blockchain, and how safe is it? Let us dig deeper into it below.What Is a Blockchain?A blockchain is a distributed ledger that can't be tampered with and is used to validate and store digital transactional records. The upkeep of a Blockchain is not the responsibility of a single authority. Instead, in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, each computer stores a copy of the ledger, and transactions are confirmed by a decentralized ... Read More

What is Phone Number Spoofing and How to Stop It?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 13:14:31

1K+ Views

Scammers and unscrupulous telemarketers continuously seek new techniques to convince people to take their calls. When the phone rings, most phones can screen calls and provide information about the caller. Scammers are increasingly employing the practice of falsifying or "spoofing" their caller ID information.Caller ID spoofing displays a phone number or other information to make it appear as if the calls are coming from a different individual or business. While the caller's information may appear to be from within the state or country, telemarketers frequently make calls from outside the state or country. Many individuals believe that you can no ... Read More

What is Jailbreaking and is it Safe?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 13:03:10


In the context of mobile devices, jailbreaking refers to exploiting an exploit to bypass manufacturer or carrier constraints on a device such as an iPhone or iPad. The exploit usually entails performing a privilege escalation attack on a user's device to install a modified kernel instead of the manufacturer's factory-installed operating system.Jailbreaking iPhones and iPads are common among Apple users who want to install apps that aren't available through Apple's official channels. Apps are frequently posted on Cydia and other jailbroken device download sites by developers who don't want to go through Apple's review process or follow Apple's AppStore guidelines. ... Read More

What Is Doxing and How Can You Prevent It?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:59:33


We reveal a great deal about ourselves since we live our lives online. Personal information, photographs, and geotags tell the world who you are and where you are on your favorite websites and social media networks. Your digital footprints are visible all across the web. You may become a victim of doxing if someone dislikes you and is ready to collect the breadcrumbs.What is doxing?Doxing is the act of obtaining, hacking, and publicizing the personal information of others, names, addresses, credit card numbers, and phone numbers, for example. Doxing might be directed at a single person or a whole organization. ... Read More

What is data mining and why is it important

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:55:25

6K+ Views

The practice of categorizing raw datasets into patterns based on trends or abnormalities is known as data mining. Companies utilize a variety of data mining methods and tactics to gather information for data analytics and deeper business insights.For modern firms, data is the most valuable asset. Extracting important data from a disorganized data source is tough, similar to mining gold. For data patterns or trends, you'll need to employ tools. Data is not completely erased from a data collection, unlike minerals. This procedure entails defining the structure of a data collection, the connections between the various data, and what data ... Read More

What is data masking?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:49:56


Data MaskingTo secure sensitive data, data masking is the technique of modifying some data components within data storage so that the structure remains similar, but the information is changed. Data masking ensures that sensitive client data is not accessible outside the allowed production environment. This is particularly frequent in settings such as user training and software testing.Thanks to automated development and testing procedures, direct exposure to sensitive data is reduced. Nonetheless, data is essential in a variety of scenarios. Consider a bank that has outsourced some development work to overseas firms. Customer information is frequently illegal to leave the bank, ... Read More

What is cyber hygiene, and why is it important?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:47:24


The steps that computers and other devices can take to improve their online security and maintain system health are referred to as cyber hygiene. Adopting a security-centric mindset and behaviors that help individuals and organizations avoid potential internet intrusions is called cyber hygiene. One of the most key parts of cyber hygiene is embedded in everyday life.Cyber hygiene is the practice of teaching yourself excellent cybersecurity behaviors so that you can keep ahead of cyber-attacks and online security concerns. Cyber hygiene is similar to personal hygiene in that both are preventative measures taken regularly to ensure one's health and well- ... Read More

What is CryptoLocker Ransomware and How to Remove it?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:42:17


CryptoLocker is a ransomware Trojan that supposedly encrypts files on a victim's computer and demands a fee to retrieve the data. It originally appeared on the Internet in 2013 and was designed to infect PCs running Windows. Infected email attachments or a botnet propagates CryptoLocker. It looks for particular file types to encrypt using RSA public-key cryptography after being downloaded and activated and then delivers the private key to specified remote sites. It then demands a ransom to decrypt or retrieve the system owner's impacted files; If you don't, your private key will be lost.While the infection is not difficult ... Read More

What is Clickjacking?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:37:48


What is Clickjacking Vulnerability, and how does it affect you?"UI redressing" is a subcategory of "clickjacking." Clickjacking is a harmful practice that involves tricking a web user into engaging with something other than what he expects to deal with. In most circumstances, a clickjacking attack is carried out simply by clicking on a webpage element. A clickjacking attack happens when a user is tricked into clicking one element on a hidden web page or disguised as another element. To keep things short, any assault in which a user mistakenly clicks an unexpected web page element is known as Clickjacking.You might ... Read More

What is Botnet Forensics?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 12:33:14


Botnets are harmful programs that are run by a botmaster or botherder, who is a malevolent programmer. Botherder infects the weak user's machine with a virus or viruses, the payload of which is a malicious program. It establishes contact with the command and control server and establishes a connection with it. Spammers pay the botherder for their services, and the botherder then issues the updated command. Botnet forensics is concerned with investigating botnet attacks and their associated vulnerabilities after they have occurred. Botnet forensics is critical these days, as it aids and protects the business from both external and internal ... Read More
