Kanal S Sajan has Published 171 Articles

What are the Pros Cons and trends in Saas

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 08:05:31


Through the use of the Internet, software is delivered as a service (SaaS). You can access it via the Internet without having to install and maintain any software, which eliminates the need for labor-intensive software and device maintenance. Advantages of SaaS Although SaaS represents a significant divergence from the traditional ... Read More

Advantages of CRM software for a sales person

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 08:04:02


A secure storage area − Corporations save customer data on software to keep it safe. They require security to guarantee that their information is never lost and that hackers do not have access to it. CRM software, on the other hand, provides data protection as well as tools for information ... Read More

Why should you choose Mac CRM software for your company?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 08:02:46


You're probably wondering what kind of CRM Apple use. Are CRMs available for Mac OS X and iOS? When it comes to Apple CRM, the solution is primarily about integrations. Apple and Salesforce, for example, announced a partnership in 2018 to integrate customer relationship management features into iOS devices like ... Read More

What are the essential characteristics of a good customer service

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 08:01:37


Customer service is defined as providing support to both new and existing customers. Client service employees often answer customer concerns via call, mail, chatting, and engagements and they might be in charge of creating self-service support materials. Organizations can also define customer service according to their values and the type ... Read More

What are the effective methods to manage business contacts

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:59:55


You can't call an event successful until it has a visible outcome, no matter how fantastic the organizers think it is. For many exhibitors, the primary goal of a trade show is to generate new sales leads. Measuring your progress is crucial to your success. A transparent KPI system should ... Read More

How does CRM benefit a small company?

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:58:47


CRM software, in a nutshell, handles all of a customer's interactions with a company. CRM aspects were initially developed for sales divisions, and the term "sales force automation" was used at the time (SFA). Some CRM systems include sales performance tracking and incentive payments, however, these features are usually ... Read More

What is Customer loyalty? Why is it crucial

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:57:36


Customer loyalty is the devotion of a customer to your brand. A loyal customer will always pick you above your rivals, whether it's because of your outstanding customer service, unparalleled product selection, or another way you distinguish yourself. Significance of customer loyalty? Customer loyalty refers to a customer's willingness to ... Read More

Why Proactive customer is preferable

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:56:29


Proactive customer service is similar to receiving a COVID vaccine, which protects your body against illness in the future. The answers presented here are for situations that have not yet occurred, allowing one to plan ahead of time. Reactive customer service, on the other hand, is like the COVID medicine ... Read More

How can CRM software help to reduce costs for your business

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:53:17


Businesses of all sizes and sorts are continuously seeking methods to cut their total expenditures. If you're an entrepreneur or a manager, you're almost certainly a part of this process. Integrating a bespoke CRM software system for your company is a method you can adopt right now to cut costs. ... Read More

The Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Kanal S Sajan

Kanal S Sajan

Updated on 16-Aug-2022 07:51:11


Email marketing has been recognized as one of the most effective strategies for promoting firms since the internet's beginnings. Email marketing for businesses is becoming more popular as people utilize the internet more. Email marketing is cost-effective and ecologically friendly, and it increases corporate communications and identifies targeted audiences. However, ... Read More

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