Found 168 Articles for System Security

Top 5 Applications of Machine Learning in Cyber Security

Priya Mishra
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 11:42:51


We rely significantly on technology in the present day, yet as technology has advanced, cyber-attacks have gotten more regular and complex. Organizations must have strong cybersecurity systems in place to combat these assaults. Machine learning is one of the most effective methods for accomplishing this. Large volumes of data can be analysed by machine learning algorithms to find trends that may suggest a future cyber assault. In this article, we will look at the top five applications of machine learning in cybersecurity. Top 5 Applications of Machine Learning in Cyber Security Below are some of the applications of machine ... Read More

Computer Security and its Challenges

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:20:44

2K+ Views

Computer Security means protecting your data and information from harm, theft, attackers, and unauthorized access. Let’s consider one simple example of why security is necessary. Today, children play online games by downloading them from Play Store and Chrome or using other sites. They don’t have proper knowledge about the third-party sites or malware functions attached to them. They download those games and applications on their computer, play games, and do other stuff. After some time they came to find out that some files on their computer were missing and the system was not working. Or Considering examples when some unprotected ... Read More

What is Remote Code Execution (RCE) ?

Updated on 12-Apr-2023 15:55:39


Remote code execution(RCE) is an arbitrary code running on a remote system using security vulnerability and connecting it to a private or public network. Physical access is not required. The RCE can have severe consequences of Malware, loss of data, Service disruption, and ransomware deployment. The RCE vulnerability is exploited by the attacker without any access to the victim's system. When we download malicious software or application then it gives rise to the use of RCE by cyber attackers. The OWASP has recognized Remote procedure code as a vulnerability for cyber attacks. Overview Definition Remote Code Execution is a remote ... Read More

What is SNORT?

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:31:53


In the area of cybersecurity, the requirement for robust and effective intrusion detection and prevention systems is critical. SNORT, a network intrusion detection and prevention system that is free and open-source, is one of the most well-known and commonly used systems in this area. Snort, which also notifies system administrators of potential security concerns. Martin Roesch created it for the first time in 1998, and since then it has grown to be one of the most popular network security tools worldwide. What is SNORT? The initial version of SNORT, an open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system, was made available ... Read More

Types of Network Protocols and Their Uses

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:29:19

1K+ Views

The world of communication has become possible, popular, and accessible now, because of the ability to share data resources between two devices that may be physically located at a longer distance, but are connected via the same network or the Internet. Network Protocol provides a certain set of rules that need to be followed during the data transmission between the two devices of a network. It helps to communicate with two devices even when the devices are not similar in terms of structure, network, or design. The Network Protocols are designed according to the need of an organization to perform ... Read More

Why Businesses Need Ethical Hackers?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:38:48


IT security firms and ethical hackers have seen rapid expansion in response to the proliferation of cyber dangers brought on by rapid technological development. When the EC Council proposed the idea of ethical hacking in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, it was met with a range of reactions. The word "Ethical Hacking" is an oxymoron, and neither the public nor the media were prepared to embrace it at first. The EC Council defined it as a security measure for the networks. To keep sensitive data and systems safe from malicious hackers, "ethical hackers" adhere to a code ... Read More

Navigating the Intersection of AI and Cyber Security

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:36:27


The field of cybersecurity has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, as trained cybersecurity specialists utilize ever-more innovative methods to keep malicious actors away from their essential corporate assets. The field of artificial intelligence (AI), on the other hand, has been on a comparable high-flying trajectory for about a decade already. The field of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are coming into direct contact more frequently than ever before, a meeting that is expected to have far-reaching repercussions worldwide. A study that was conducted by Cap Gemini in the previous year found that 63% of organizations have plans to ... Read More

All About Threat Hunting and the Skills You Need to Become One

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:34:01


Comprehensive threat management solutions are an absolute must for every IT professional's toolkit when it comes to the protection of systems, networks, and data; nevertheless, not everyone is aware of how to take preemptive actions against potential threats. When a potential threat has been recognized, a firewall, such as an intrusion detection system (IDS) or a security information and event management (SIEM) system, may start to carry out its duties. You will need to develop and execute a threat-hunting plan in order to provide enough protection for the information technology infrastructure of your company from malicious cyber actors. According to ... Read More

How CompTIA Certifications Can Help IT Professionals?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:27:54


The provision of independent IT certifications is an area in which CompTIA has established itself as the standard. The three certificates that are the most well-known are A+, Network+, and Security+. A CompTIA certification may help you stand out in the IT world, regardless of whether you are just starting in the field or are a seasoned veteran. CompTIA certifications are valuable since they are not dependent on a certain vendor's products. Nobody is required to remain loyal to a single vendor, whether it is Microsoft, Cisco, Novell, HP, or VMWare. It is a common misconception that acquiring a CompTIA ... Read More

How to Avoid Common BYOD Pitfalls at Work?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:22:15


Many businesses now adhere to the "bring your own device" (BYOD) policy, which states that employees are allowed to bring and make use of their own personal electronic devices for work-related reasons. Businesses that allow their workers to bring their own electronic devices to the office can save money since they do not have to provide their employees with mobile phones, computers, or tablets of their own. According to a survey that was published on Insight, the market for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies is anticipated to reach more than $360 billion by the year 2022. The implementation of regulations that allow ... Read More

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