APKPure Alternatives

What is APKPure?

APKPure is a platform which can be used to download different kinds of software applications on your Android mobile. APKPure does not remove old and restricted apps so you can find all the apps here. The platform is free as users are allowed to download freeware and shareware apps. Security features of the platform are not strong so applications that you download may have malware.

Why APKPure alternatives?

  • It is an open-source platform and available apps may be threatening due to the presence of malware and other infections

  • Age-restricted apps are not banned

  • Outdated content is available

How to choose an APKPure Alternative?

There are many advantages of APKPure and some of them are listed here −

  • A large number of apps are available

  • App updates are easily available

  • There are no geographical restrictions

  • APKPure is an open-source platform

Top 10 APKPure Alternatives

There are many alternatives to APKPure and some of them have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 – F-Droid

F-Droid is a platform where you can find a lot of open-source and free apps which can be installed on Android devices. Browsing and installing apps is easy. Tracking updates for different software is also easy. F-Droid gives importance to users’ privacy. It is free from ads and you do not have to make an account to download your favorite apps.

Alternative 2 – Amazon AppStore

Amazon AppStore consists of a lot of Android apps which can be installed on many Android devices. There is no need to download any APK. You just have to click the installer and the app will be installed on your mobile. The user interface is similar to the main Amazon website.

Alternative 3 – APKMirror

APKMirror is considered as one of the best alternatives to APKPure. Its repository consists of a lot of apps that can be downloaded and installed on Android devices. You will also be able to find the beta version of any released app. Latest updates of different apps are also available here. APKMirror strictly checks the security of the apps and their updates before they are made available on the website.

Alternative 4 – ACMarket

ACMarket is a great source of Android applications and can be a good replacement for APKPure. All Android applications on this platform are available for free. Two types of apps are available on this platform. The first type of apps are those that can also be found on Google App Store. The other types are not available anywhere. Its user interface is clean and easy to use and apps can be downloaded at a fast pace.

Alternative 5 – Aptoide

Aptoide is a free alternative to APKStore It consists of apps like Facebook, YoWindow Weather, Nest, and many more. Adult apps and games are also available on this platform which gives a bad feeling to some users. You can download games and apps by creating an account.

Alternative 6 – APKDownloader

APKDownloader is another free Android app provider and a great alternative to APKPure. All apps available on the platform are well-organized and are divided open the basis of categories and genres. Users can search the required apps with the help of the Play Store URL. You just have to open the Google Play Store and copy the link of the required app. Paste the URL in the search box to get it.

Alternative 7 – Aurora Store

Aurora Store is an app store from where you can download Android apps for free. Packages can be retrieved with the help of Google Play Store API. You can search for your favorite apps and install them on your system without any registration or account creation. A good number of themes are available which can be used to customize the store.

Alternative 8 – Uptodown

Uptodown is another great alternative to APKPure and you can find all apps for free on this platform. Uptodown is a lightweight platform and you can install it without any fear of the usage of storage space. As the platform is still under development you will receive frequent updates. The platform will also give a notification if there is any update for apps installed on your mobile.

Alternative 9 – Espacioapk

Espacioapk is an online platform where a lot of Android apps and games are available. You can find apps divided into different categories like action, puzzle, adventure, educational, and many more. You can also enjoy music, puzzles, sports, and simulation on this platform.

Alternative 10 – GetJar

GetJar is one of the oldest app stores and is considered as one of the best alternatives to APKPure. A large number of apps and games can be found here which can be easily installed on Android and iOS devices. The app has one more amazing feature. It allows users to earn virtual currency when they download and install or try out any app. This currency helps users to download paid apps without paying any penny.


APKPure is a platform which consists of a large number of apps that can be downloaded and installed on Android devices. It is an open-source platform and the apps available here are not secure. Outdated content is also available. If you fear about viruses and malware, then look for APKPure alternatives and some of them are Amazon AppStore, Aurora Store, GetJar, and many more.

Updated on: 26-Sep-2023


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