ReactJS - TransitionEvent Handler

The TransitionEvent handler method is similar to a special detective in a computer program that monitors changes in how things look (like the colors or sizes) on a web page.

Assume we have a button on a website that changes color easily as we click it. The TransitionEvent handler method identifies when a color change happens and can be used to perform an action when the change is complete.

In simple terms, the TransitionEvent handler method helps our website in reacting when visual effects.


   onTransitionEnd={e => console.log('onTransitionEnd')}


e − This is a React event object we can use with TransitionEvent properties.

Types of TransitionEvent

There are four major sorts of transition events to be aware of −

Sr.No Types & Description
1 transitioncancel

This event happens when an animation or transition is stopped or canceled before it finishes.

2 transitionend

This event occurs when an animation or transition has successfully completed.

3 transitionrun

This event takes place when an animation or transition is prepared to start, but it may not have actually started moving yet.

4 transitionstart

This event happens when an animation or transition begins to make changes.

Properties of TransitionEvent

There are some transition event properties to be aware of −

Sr.No Properties & Description
1 elapsedTime

This property tells us how much time has passed since the start of the transition or animation.

2 propertyName

This property indicates the name of the CSS property that is changing during the transition or animation.

3 pseudoElement

It helps identify if the animation is on an element or something added with CSS.


Example − CSS Transition App

To show the concept of the TransitionEvent handler method, we can create a component that changes a CSS transition and uses the transitionend event to identify when the transition is complete. So we will create a button that changes its background color with a transition and displays a message when the transition ends. The code is as follows −

import React, { useState } from "react";

function App() {
   const [isTransition, setTransition] = useState(false);
   const [message, setMessage] = useState("");   
   const handleButtonClick = () => {
      //  delay and then reset the transition state
      setTimeout(() => {
         setMessage("Transition Complete");
      }, 1000);
   return (
      <div className="App">
            className={`transition-button ${
               isTransition ? "Transition" : ""
            Click me to start the transition
         <div className="message">{message}</div>

export default App;



This example uses a basic transition in response to a button click, as well as the TransitionEvent concept. When we click the button, the transition starts and the message will inform us when it is finished.

Example − Simple Animation using TransitionEvent

This app shows the opacity of a div element on click and logs the transition duration. When we click the "Animate" button, the div's opacity will simply change from 1 (fully opaque) to 0 (completely transparent) over 1 second. The onTransitionEnd handler logs the time it took for the transition to complete.

import React, { useState } from "react";

function App() {
   const [isAnimating, setIsAnimating] = useState(false);   
   const handleClick = () => {
   const handleTransitionEnd = (e) => {
      console.log(`Transition completed: ${e.elapsedTime} seconds`);
   return (
         <button onClick={handleClick}>Animate</button>
            style={{ opacity: isAnimating ? 0 : 1 }}
            transition="opacity 1s ease"
            Click me to animate!

export default App;



Example − Accordion with Expand and Collapse Animation

This app displays an accordion with content panels that expand and collapse on click. Clicking on a panel title expands or collapses its content smoothly over 0.5 seconds. The onTransitionEnd handler function logs the title of the panel that finished transitioning.

import React, { useState } from "react";

const panels = [
   { title: "Panel 1", content: "This is the content of panel 1." },
   { title: "Panel 2", content: "This is the content of panel 2." },
   { title: "Panel 3", content: "This is the content of panel 3." },
function App() {
   const [activePanelIndex, setActivePanelIndex] = useState(null);   
   const handleClick = (index) => {
      setActivePanelIndex(index === activePanelIndex ? null : index);
   const handleTransitionEnd = (e) => {
         `Panel transitioned: ${".panel-title").textContent}`
   return (
         {, index) => (
            <div key={index} className="panel">
                  onClick={() => handleClick(index)}
                  style={{ maxHeight: activePanelIndex === index ? "500px" : "0" }}
                  transition="max-height 0.5s ease"

export default App;


panels content


A TransitionEvent handler function is a web development tool for identifying and reacting to transitions or animations on a webpage. It is like an observer that can react to certain CSS transition events.

These methods allow developers to add custom actions or responses to these transition events, allowing developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications.
