ReactJS - KeyboardEvent Handler

Creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces is important in the field of web development. Responding to keyboard events is one process to improve user experience. So we will look at how to handle keyboard events in a React application in this tutorial.

KeyboardEvent Handler Function

To react to keyboard events like key presses, we can use event handler methods in React. These event handler functions take an event object as a parameter, which contains information about the keyboard event. Let's look at the syntax of this event object −

   onKeyDown={e => console.log('on Key Down')}
   onKeyUp={e => console.log('on Key Up')}


e − It is a React event object. And we can use this event object with some properties provided below.

KeyboardEvent properties

Sr.No Properties & Description
1 altKey

Indicates whether or not the "Alt" key is pressed.

2 charCode

Represents the key's Unicode character code.

3 code

The actual key on the keyboard (for example, 'KeyA' for the 'A' key).

4 ctrlKey

Indicates whether or not the "Ctrl" key is pressed.

5 key

The label on the key (for example, 'A' for the 'A' key).

6 keyCode

The key code is represented by this value.

7 metaKey

Indicates the presence of the "Meta" key (on Mac, the 'Command' key).

8 location

Specifies the location of the key on the keyboard.

9 repeat

Indicates if the key event is a result of a key being held down.

10 shiftKey

Indicates whether or not the "Shift" key is pressed.

11 which

It returns a number for showing a system and implementation dependent numeric code. This is just like the keyCode.

12 data

Contains additional information about the event.

13 view

Provides information about the view (window) that generated the event.

Events of KeyboardEvent handler

So there are some events available in the KeyboardEvent type.

onKeyDown − This event shows that a key has been pressed.

onKeyUp − This event shows that a key has been released.


Example − Log pressed keys

In this application we are going to create a simple React application in which we will be having a label called User Name and an input field to type the input text. So when the user enters the text in the input field then we will be able to see the common keyboard events in the console.

import React from 'react';

export default function App () {
   return (
         User Name:
            onKeyDown={e => console.log('onKeyDown:', e.key, e.code)}
            onKeyUp={e => console.log('onKeyUp:', e.key, e.code)}


user name nick

In the above example code, we have created an input field and added event handlers to the input field. So when any key is pressed ('onKeyDown'), we log the key and code related to that key. Just like this when the key is released ('onKeyUp'), we log the key and code.

Example − Key Press Detector

This app will detect and display the key pressed by the user. It will have a component called KeyPressDetector that uses the useState hook to keep track of the currently pressed key. Then we will use the useEffect hook to add and remove a global event listener for the 'keydown' event. Whenever a key is pressed, the handleKeyPress function is invoked, updating the state with the pressed key.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const KeyPressDetector = () => {
   const [pressedKey, setPressedKey] = useState(null);   
   const handleKeyPress = (event) => {
   useEffect(() => {
      window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress);      
      return () => {
         window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress);
   }, []);
   return (
         <p>Press any key:</p>
         <p>Pressed Key: {pressedKey}</p>

export default KeyPressDetector;


press key

So we can see that the rendered component displays a message showing the user to press any key and shows the currently pressed key.

Example − Background Color Changer

In this app, we will create a BackgroundColorChanger component that changes the background color of a div when the user presses the 'Enter' key. It uses the useState hook to manage the background color state and the useEffect hook to add and remove the 'keydown' event listener. When the 'Enter' key is pressed, the handleKeyPress function generates a random color and updates the background color state.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const BackgroundColorChanger = () => {
   const [backgroundColor, setBackgroundColor] = useState('#ffffff');   
   const handleKeyPress = (event) => {
      if (event.key === 'Enter') {
         const randomColor = `#${Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16)}`;
   useEffect(() => {
      window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress);      
      return () => {
         window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress);
   }, [backgroundColor]);   
   return (
      <div style={{ backgroundColor, padding: '20px' }}>
         <p>Press Enter to change background color</p>

export default BackgroundColorChanger;


press enter change bg color

In the above app the rendered component displays a message showing the user to press 'Enter' to observe the color change. With each enter key press, the color will change.


Handling keyboard events in React can enhance the interactivity and user experience of our web applications. By using these event handler functions and the event object's properties, we can respond to key presses and create responsive interfaces.
