ReactJS - CompositionEvent Handler

CompositionEvent is a web development concept that mainly refers to user input and text submission on a webpage. It primarily comes up to the event that occurs when a person user indirectly enters text. Basically, consider the events that occur when someone types on a keyboard, but with a particular focus on languages and input methods that may need more complex handling.

So we can say that the CompositionEvent is a type of event that will be triggered when a user is typing something on a webpage. It is dealing with languages that might have accents or other complex characters. It is just like a behind-the-scenes event that helps web developers manage the text input process effectively.


   onCompositionStart={e => console.log('run on Composition Start')}
   onCompositionUpdate={e => console.log('run on Composition Update')}
   onCompositionEnd={e => console.log('run on Composition End')}


The data property in the CompositionEvent interface is a special message that informs us something different depending on when it is used −

The data property in the CompositionEvent interface is a special message that informs us something different depending on when it is used −

  • e − It is a simple React event object.

  • compositionStart − It tells us the text that was selected before we started entering something new for a "compositionStart" event. Even if we modify our selection, this message will still inform us what we chose when we started.

  • compositionStart − It tells us the text as we type it for a "compositionUpdate" event. As when we adjust the text it changes.

  • compositionEnd − A "compositionend" event shows the text that has been added to the document, or "committed" to the editor. This is what remains after we have finished writing and confirmed the text.

How is it useful?

CompositionEvents are useful for web developers because they offer information on the text input process, which is especially useful when dealing with complicated characters or other input methods. It enables developers to create a more flexible and user-friendly text input experience.


Example − Special Character App

Let's see a basic example of how we can use CompositionEvent in a React JS application. Let's say we want to manage the input of special characters.

import React, { useState } from "react";

function App() {
   const [textInput, setTextInput] = useState("");   
   const handleCompositionStart = (e) => {
      console.log("Composition Start");
   const handleCompositionUpdate = (e) => {
      // Check if it is a CompositionEvent
      if (e instanceof CompositionEvent) {
         // Update the state
   const handleCompositionEnd = (e) => {
      console.log("Composition End");
   const handleInput = (e) => {
      // This event handles regular text input
   return (
         <p>Text Input: {textInput}</p>

export default App;


text input

In the above code, the handleCompositionStart method is called when the user begins creating text, the handleCompositionEnd function is invoked when the user stops writing text and the handleCompositionUpdate method will call when the user updates the text.

These functions are linked to the onCompositionStart, onCompositionUpdate and onCompositionEnd events, respectively.

Example − Emoji Picker App

This app will be an input field with an emoji picker that uses composition events to allow users to input emojis easily. This code defines a EmojiPicker component that fetches emoji data. It uses the useEffect hook to fetch emoji data from an API (e.g., GitHub emoji API) or loads a static list. The code is given below for this app −


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import EmojiPicker from './EmojiPicker';

function App() {
   const [text, setText] = useState('');
   const [showEmojiPicker, setShowEmojiPicker] = useState(false);   
   const handleChange = (event) => {
   const handleEmojiPick = (emoji) => {
      setText(text + emoji);
   const handleCompositionStart = () => {
      // Hide emoji picker if composition starts
   const toggleEmojiPicker = () => {
   return (
         <button onClick={toggleEmojiPicker}>Toggle Emoji Picker</button>
         {showEmojiPicker && <EmojiPicker onEmojiPick={handleEmojiPick} />}

export default App;


import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const EmojiPicker = ({ onEmojiPick }) => {
   const [emojiList, setEmojiList] = useState([]);   
   useEffect(() => {
      // Fetch emoji data from an API 
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((data) => setEmojiList(Object.keys(data)));
   }, []);   
   const handleEmojiClick = (emoji) => {
   return (
      <div className="emoji-picker">
      { => (
         <button key={emoji} onClick={() => handleEmojiClick(emoji)}>

export default EmojiPicker;



The app maps over the emojiList and renders each emoji as a button. Clicking on an emoji calls the handleEmojiClick function, which passes the selected emoji back to the parent component via the onEmojiPick prop.

Example − Counting Words App

This app demonstrates a simple way to use composition events to count words in real-time. In this app users can type in a text box. The onCompositionUpdate event is triggered as users compose text. The app counts the number of words in the composed text and displays the count.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App() {
   const [currentText, setCurrentText] = useState('');
   const [wordCount, setWordCount] = useState(0);   
   const handleChange = (event) => {
   const handleCompositionStart = () => {
      console.log('Composition Start');
   const handleCompositionUpdate = (event) => {
      if (event instanceof CompositionEvent) {
   const handleCompositionEnd = () => {
      const words = currentText.split(/\s+/);
      setWordCount(words.filter((word) => word !== '').length);
      console.log('Composition End');
   return (
         <h2>Word Counter</h2>
         <p>Words: {wordCount}</p>

export default App;


word counter

This is a basic example, but it showcases the potential of composition events for creating interactive and responsive applications.


The CompositionEvent is an important web development concept related to user text input on a webpage, particularly when dealing with languages and input methods requiring complex handling, such as those with accents or special characters. It is triggered during the typing process and helps web developers manage text input effectively.
