Metformin Alternatives

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a drug which is used for controlling the absorption of sugar for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Absorption of glucose is slowed down in the intestines and the liver also slows down the production of glucose. Besides all these, metformin also increases the sensitivity of insulin. The drug should be taken as per a proper diet plan. People also need to perform regular exercises to see the effect of this drug. Using this drug can also be beneficial for −

  • Protection of kidneys from damage

  • Issues in nerves

  • Amputations

  • Blindness

Why Metformin alternatives?

Metformin is a useful drug for diabetics but it has some disadvantages which are listed below −

  • Heartburn

  • Stomachache

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Headache

  • Gas

How to choose a Metformin Alternative?

There are many advantages of metformin but people can go for its alternatives if it does not suit them. Some of the benefits of this drug are as follows and they should also be found in the alternatives of your choice −

  • Metformin can decrease the production of glucose

  • Metformin can eliminate the chances of diabetes in people who have prediabetes

  • Blood sugar is controlled during pregnancy

  • Can improve fertility

  • Slows down the growth of tumor

Top 10 Metformin Alternatives

Metformin has many alternatives and some of them have been discussed here.

Alternative 1 – SGLT – 2 Inhibitors

SGLT – 2 Inhibitors are considered as one of the best alternatives to metformin. People who are unable to bear the side effects of metformin can go for this drug. The medicine reduces the amount of glucose in the blood by releasing it through urine. It also protects the heart from attack and stroke. People having kidney diseases should not go for this drug. The drug has to be taken one time in a day. The medicine should be consumed after consulting a doctor.

Side effects

Urination may increase

Kidney may get damaged

Blood pressure may become low

Increase in thirst and dehydration

Alternative 2 – GLP -1

GLP–1 is a drug that can be taken by mouth or through injection., The drug is safe for the kidney and is also a supporter of heart health. It has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Another benefit of this drug is that it can lead to weight loss which also helps in sugar control. It should be taken once a day after consulting a doctor

Side effects

  • Nausea

  • Weight loss

  • Diarrhea

Alternative 3 – Sulfonylureas

Sulfonylureas has the ability to lower down blood sugar levels. This medicine has to be taken by mouth. It can lower down HbA1C levels for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. It can lead to weight gain but the body will become more sensitive to insulin. A tablet of 5mg should be taken daily. Its dosage can increase up to 20mg. If the case is severe, the dosage can increase up to 500mg to 750mg.

Side effects

  • People have more craze for eating something

  • Weight gain

  • Blood sugar levels may become too low

  • Stomach-related issues may occur

Alternative 4 – Dipeptidyl Peptidase – 4

Dipeptidyl Peptidase – 4 has the ability to increase the production of insulin. It also prevents the production of glucagon in the liver. Sugar levels are reduced by consuming this medicine. The medicine does not protect from heart disease or kidney damage. Its dosage starts from 5mg to 100mg in a day.

Side effects

  • Fever

  • Body ache

  • Irritation in the stomach

  • Flu

  • Low blood sugar

Alternative 5 – Thiazolidinedione or TZDs

Thiazolidinedione has another name which is glitazones. This medicine is used for those patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes. The main reason of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance which is reduced by this medicine. The cells in the body start using insulin in a normal and this helps in controlling blood sugar. The medicine is not helpful for heart diseases or weight reduction. The dosage of this medicine starts from 15mg per day which can go up to 45mg

Side effects

  • It can lead to heart diseases

  • People may gain more weight

  • Bone fracture may occur

Alternative 6 – GlucoRedi

GlucoRedi is a natural alternative to Metformin. The medicine has the ability to reduce the sugar levels and it can also prevent type 2 diabetes. GlucoRedi is used by the body in the form of a stimulant to control sugar release in the blood. Production of insulin increases and the intestines slow down the absorption of sugar.

Side effects

  • Not suitable for pregnant women

  • Consult a doctor before using the medicine

Alternative 7 – Berberine

Berberine is a chemical which can be extracted from different types of plants. This drug can be used in the treatment of different types of diseases like diabetes, inflammation, obesity, and many more. The drug manages the usage of the blood sugar.

Side effects

  • Can lead to gastrointestinal pain

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

Alternative 8 – Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon is another alternative to metformin. It has a different shape and color is light. Cinnamon has the ability to work like insulin and it can increase the absorption of glucose to minimize the sugar levels in the blood. Insulin sensitivity is also improved.

Side effects

  • Sweating

  • Mouth cancer

  • Liver diseases

  • Not good for the heart

Alternative 9 – Snap Blood Sugar Blend

Snap Blood Sugar Blend is a combination of berberine, cinnamon, and other substances which helps in balancing metabolism and blood sugar levels. Cinnamon present in the drug helped in increasing glucose metabolism. Gymnena Sylvestre extract has the task of management and maintenance of blood sugar levels. Various other ingredients perform different tasks to manage blood sugar.

Side effects

  • Pregnant and nursing women and children should not take this medicine

  • It is an expensive drug

  • Product is available online only

Alternative 10 – Precose

Precose is an alternative to metformin that has the ability of stopping the production of glucose and fructose from sucrose. It also helps increasing the time for the digestion of carbohydrates. The drug has to be consumed by those people whose carbohydrate diet is very high. It has to be taken before a meal.


Metformin is a medicine that can be used to control blood. People suffering from type 2 diabetes can consume this drug to control blood sugar levels. If the medicine is not suitable, people may go for alternatives which have less side effects and are more efficient in controlling blood sugar and diabetes.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023


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