How YouTube Algorithm Work?

Do you desire more YouTube views?

Do you wish to use YouTube marketing techniques to develop your brand?

Do you wish to increase the number of subscribers?

If so, you must comprehend the mechanism that powers YouTube and transforms its creators from zero to hero. The formidable force that underlies the wildly successful video platform is

YouTube's powerful algorithm.

What is YouTube Algorithm?

The algorithm, according to YouTube, "tailors videos to each viewer's distinct interests" in real-time.

The videos that are recommended to certain users are chosen by the YouTube algorithm. Additionally, the algorithm aids in distributing videos across the network so users may view and click on the content.

As a result, the material that displays on your home page differs from that in other people's feeds. The YouTube algorithm made it all possible

The algorithm has two objectives

  • Identify the appropriate video for each viewer.
  • Encourage viewers to stick around.

How YouTube's Algorithm Operates?

On the platform, YouTube videos may be found in six distinct places. In order to fulfil the interests of the user as best as possible, YouTube employs a well-defined AI-based system that determines how videos will show at these 6 different categories

  • Search Results
  • Recommendations Streams
  • Notifications
  • Channel Subscriptions
  • Trending Streams
  • YouTube Home Page

How Does The YouTube Search Algorithm Work?

The results of your search are displayed when you use the YouTube search bar. But how does YouTube choose which videos appear higher or lower on the search page

For example: If I search with a keyword “YouTube SEO” then a list of the videos based on the keyword YouTube SEO will be displayed in the search results.

But how it is possible?

The relevancy of your video to the user's search and the keywords you use in the video title and description are the main factors that influence how your video appears in search results on YouTube. Naturally, YouTube wants to make sure that the keyword or keyword variations that the user searched for are included in the title and/or description of your video when displaying these results.

The YouTube algorithm also considers whether or not the user has already viewed any of your videos. In addition, YouTube examines the videos that have generated the highest engagement for a given search query. There is more to search results than merely a rundown of popular videos for a specific query.

YouTube Recommended Videos

On YouTube home page, the recommended video results are displayed.

The viewer's history is the primary consideration in the algorithm's first section of recommended videos. YouTube chooses videos that are specifically intended to satisfy viewers based on the answers to the following questions:

  • What types of videos have they already viewed?
  • Do they listen to music primarily?
  • Do they adhere to vlogs?
  • Which YouTube Channels do they regularly watch?

This algorithm's second component focuses on the interactions between popular videos and viewers who are similar to them (the one you are targeting). For instance, there can be a group of users on YouTube who regularly listen to the music of the same band. Then, when promoting videos by related bands to other viewers, they will pick the ones that have received the most views from the same demographic and rank them highly.

YouTube Homepage Videos

When you go to the website, on the home page you will be shown with different YouTube videos

Each viewer at this location will receive the most pertinent and individualised suggestions from YouTube. It's a great way for those who aren't subscribers to find your channel and your videos. Every day, viewers from all around the world can watch more than 200 million unique videos on the Home page.

YouTube shows users videos from their subscribed channels, videos seen by similar users, new videos, and more as they visit their home page. The following criteria were used to choose these videos:

How well did the overall performance of the video in terms of satisfactory and engagement for similar viewers/audience?

Viewer's watch and search history: This is the number of times YouTube has already presented each video to the viewer as well as how frequently the viewer watches videos from a certain channel or topic.

Additionally, YouTube discovered that members watch more of a channel's videos from their home page than via the Subscriptions tab.

Trending Streams

A collection of the most recent and well-liked YouTube videos in a viewer's country can be found in their Trending feed. Some trends in the trending stream are anticipated, like a new song from a well-known musician or a new movie trailer, while some are totally unexpected.

Therefore, when selecting videos for the trending stream, YouTube strives to balance popularity with innovation. The trending videos list takes into account the overall number of views (particularly the growth rate in views), the source of views, and a few additional indications. As a result, the video with the most daily views may not always be the top video on the Trending list.

Channel Subscriptions

By accessing their subscriptions page, viewers may watch all the recently published videos from every channel they have subscribed to. Highlighted videos and a rundown of all recent uploads are also included in this stream.

Subscribers are your main audience and ardent supporters because they have chosen to watch more of your films. Keep in mind that customers can access some subscription-only content from their homepage and the section of suggested videos.

YouTube uses view velocity to determine where your video will appear in a user's subscription tab results. The percentage of subscribers who watch your video as soon as it is published is known as view velocity. Depending on how quickly your films are seen, they will appear higher in your viewers' subscription page.

YouTube Notifications

When a new video is published on YouTube, notifications are sent via email or push notifications to mobile devices. They typically increase early traffic to your newly posted videos, but they don't always account for the majority of traffic over time

By default, YouTube only occasionally notifies users of channels they frequently watch from those to which they have subscribed. Your subscribers can hit the bell icon next to the "SUBSCRIBED" button if they want to be notified whenever you post a new video to your channel.

The notification option is available with users, where they can get no alerts from your channel, some notifications, or all notifications.

Only by asking your subscribers to click the bell icon next to the subscribe button will your videos be optimised to appear in viewers' notifications.


Although the YouTube algorithm is not entirely transparent, there is some information available on how it functions. We are aware that the algorithm has evolved over time, moving from rewarding view counts to customising the home feed. Additionally, we are aware that it affects a number of YouTube features, including Home, Suggested, Subscriptions, and more. Now I hope you are more knowledgeable about the YouTube algorithm

Updated on: 09-Sep-2022


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