How to Move to Next Cell After Input Automatically in Excel?

Excel can make it difficult and time-consuming to manually go to the next cell after each input when working with huge datasets or carrying out repetitive operations. Thankfully, Excel has a number of useful functions that may automate this procedure and save you a lot of time. Regardless of your level of Excel proficiency, this course will arm you with the skills and resources you need to improve your productivity and streamline your work processes.

Make sure you are familiar with Microsoft Excel's interface before we begin the various strategies. Understand the principles of worksheets, cells, and data entry. Let's begin with the first technique, which involves using the Enter key to automatically go to the next cell, if you're ready to discover how to automate cell navigation in Excel and do away with the need for manual input!

Move to Next Cell After Input Automatically

Here, we will first create a VBA module and then run it to complete the task. So let us see a simple process to know how you can move to the next cell after input automatically in Excel.

Step 1

Consider any Excel sheet. First, right-click on the sheet name and select View Code to open the VBA application.

Right Click > View Code.

Step 2

Then click on Insert and select Module, then copy the below code into the text box.

Insert > Module > Copy.


Sub FourCharEntry1()
   Dim xStr As String
   Dim I As Integer
   Dim K As Integer
   xStr = Application.InputBox("Enter string", "Move Next Cell", , , , , , 2)
   K = 0
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   For I = 1 To Len(xStr) Step 4
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, K) = "'" & Mid(xStr, I, 4)
      K = K + 1
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

In the code, 4 represents dividing the data into four characters.

Step 3

Then click F5 to run the module, enter the data you want to input, and click Ok to complete the task.

F5 > Enter Data > Ok.

This is how you can move to the next cell after input in Excel.


In this tutorial, we have used a simple example to demonstrate how you can move to the next cell after input automatically in Excel to highlight a particular set of data.

Updated on: 25-Aug-2023


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