DirectX - Components

DirectX is the Microsoft collection of APIs which is designed primarily to give game developers a low-level interface to the mentioned computer hardware which is running with Windows Operating System. Currently with version 12.0, each DirectX API component provides access to different aspects of the hardware, including graphics, sound, and networking, all through a standard interface. This interface allows programmers to include their games using one set of functions which is independent on the hardware used.

This chapter will focus more on the components of DirectX.


The DirectX API includes multiple components, each of them representing a different aspect of the system. Each application programming interface can be used independently, thereby adding only the functionality that your game requires.

Below are the components of DirectX −

Components of DirectX


This component manages all the graphics output. This API includes functions for handling all 2D and 3D graphics drawing, as well as initialization and setting the resolution for your game.


It includes management of all user input through this API. This component includes support for devices such as keyboard, mouse, gamepad, and joysticks.

It includes a new support feature for force-feedback.


DirectPlay includes support for the user games through its API construct. These networking functions include communication with other machines allowing more than one person to play with them. DirectPlay includes a high-level interface for networking making users to implement every aspect of network communication.


DirectSound is a special API which is implemented when a user needs to add sound effects or background music. It includes a functionality to allow loading and playing one or more WAV files with a complete control access.


This component allows user to create a dynamic soundtrack. Sounds can be played on the specified time schedule or adapted to the gameplay using the specific pitch, tempo, or volume changes.


This component allows streaming components with respect to soundtrack. It includes files in various formats such as AVI, MP3, MPEG and ASF files. With the help of DirectShow, there is no need to load entire file into memory, user can stream the file directly from CD.


DirectSetup gives user the functionality to install the latest version of DirectX on the user’s computer.
