Different Tools To Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

In this modern world, everyone carries smartphones with them. Hence, having a mobile friendly website is a must because most people are browsing various websites using their mobile phones. That’s not all; even Google is now clearly marking websites, based on mobile search results and views and checking whether your website is mobile friendly or not. And if it finds that particular tag is not getting displayed around the content on your website, then you might notice a drop in mobile traffic.

Even though responsive design is definitely the way to go, but it is not enough. How do you confirm whether your web pages are mobile friendly with Google? There are few options which we will be discussing now.

The fastest way to check as to whether the site is mobile friendly or not, you must type in a site: domain.com search in Google on any mobile phone to check as to whether that particular tag is displayed around the most popular web pages of your website.

We also find Google is offering an online tool to help individuals to understand whether it considers their site to be mobile friendly or not. And they need to run it against all web pages of their site.

Considerations Before Making a Mobile Friendly Site

Offer Ease for Customers

Your objective while building your website should be to offer ease to your customers. They might wish to be entertained by your varied blog posts or might be interested in checking reviews of your products or services or would like to pop in at your restaurant and would like to know your restaurant address. So, while designing your website, one should make it easier for their customer to complete their most common tasks which include thinking about of visit your site, visiting your site, making purchases or availing your services.

To achieve this, one should outline the potential steps of your customer journey, to make sure that these steps are easy to complete on a mobile device. Also, ensure to streamline the experience and reduce the number of user interactions.

  • For example the First step would be customer clicking on your website after searching for any product to buy.
  • The Second step would be customer browsing through a selection of products
  • And Third step would be purchasing the desired product.

Measuring the Effectiveness

Making a mobile site does require prioritization. Begin by working out what the most significant and common tasks are for your customers on mobile. And being able to support these particular tasks is critical and this helps you to know as to how well your customer can complete their particular objectives. There are different ways wherein you make the design of your website, support easy use. One should focus on interface and should be able to offer unified experience to all platforms.

People when they shop using their mobile their priority is, whether they are experiencing ease while mobile shopping. As per study about 48% of respondents citing as the most crucial quality of an mobile website they tend to visit is whether they experience ease or not.

One should select a mobile template, theme or design which is consistent on all devices.RWD or responsive web design means that the webpage should use the same URL and same code, no matter whether the user is using a desktop computer, phone, tablet-only the display should adjust or respond according to the screen size.

Google suggests using RWD over other design patterns. One of the major benefits of using RWD is that, you would only require to maintain one version of your particular site instead of two, ( you do not require to maintain two sites one for desktop at WWW.xxx.com and another for mobile version www.xxxx.com).

Below are a few tools which are at your disposal, to find whether a particular site is mobile friendly or not. Developers can receive specific instructions as to what needs to fixed and how.

Google – Mobile-Friendly Test

This particular test would tell you as to how Googlebot would see your webpage rather than as to how your mobile users see it. The results are helpful, as the feedback offered can be used for SEO purpose as well.

If your site does pass the test, then you tend to receive  a green message which states “Awesome! This webpage is mobile friendly.

Incase, if it does not pass, then the message would be displayed in red stating that the webpage is not mobile friendly. The best thing is, it also states the reasons as why the site is not mobile friendly, one of the reason could be content is wider than the screen or another reason could be the links are much closer.

Google’s – Page Insights

The second major tool which is highly recommended is the Pagespeed insight by Google. The advantage is, it helps test mobile websites and it comes handy.

When one analyses page insight on the website, if provides numerous information, how screenshots look at mobile and desktop and it offers speed scores for both mobile and desktop. That’s not all, It also provides detailed information about as what to fix, what one must consider while fixing and things you have already done.

Keynote MiTE

This is an amazing tool, free with registration, it helps in analyzing numerous mobile devices, starting from tablets to smart phone and not to forget, even dumb phones.


This tool offers you true screenshots as to how your particular website looks, on each device. It is helpful, but the drawback is, it has to load the website on each device and then take a screenshot, this process can be slow. And this is paid service.

W3C’s MobileOK Checker

And lastly, we have a W3C’s mobile checker, even though it does looks out-dated and badly require a UI update, but does help get the job done.

This tool helps you test your website markup code and find any web standard errors, image or graphics error, Resource sizes and HTP errors. Not only that, It also helps check other things which include SSL certificate validity, pop-ups and so on.

Similar like Pagespeed, even this tool offers a set of recommendation as to what needs to be changed and why it has changed and how it needs to be changed.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2022


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