How to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly – The Mobile SEO?

Mobile phones are becoming part of our life without which we may not survive for a day. Gone are the days when these devices were only used to making calls. These days’ mobile phones are not just for calls and chatting, but also for buying products, booking appointments, order a thing or two and much more which we usually perform with our desktops and laptops.

In fact, many reputed surveys indicate that nowadays more people are using their smartphones instead of desktops or laptops to perform the online activities. There are billions of users around the world prefers to surf the web on their mobile phones to look for a product and place the order on the go, which saves their time and energy.

Imagine, the huge opportunities you can avail by targeting the mobile users which keep on growing every day. But that can’t be possible if your site is not mobile-friendly. And, if your potential customers can’t be able to see your contents properly or getting frequent issues with page loading, payment process etc., then they immediately ditch your site to move to some other site, Isn’t it?.

Just to have a nice website is not enough in today’s business world. Your site may work great on laptops and desktops, but if it is not working properly on mobile devices then you are losing a vast majority of potential customers. So, making your website mobile friendly definitely gives you an edge over your competitor.

What is Mobile-Friendly For Your Websites

Websites can be called mobile-friendly when the mobile users are able to perform each and every required actions easily without any hassle, be it exploring the products, booking an order, paying payments or providing feedback and reviews.

Let’s say a user searches for women ethnic wears on his mobile and click on a site’s link which displays on the top of search results page. Let’s see the probable actions the user may perform on the site.

  • On the landing page, she wants to see the clear and attractive pictures of ethnic dresses with name and prices. The look and feel of the page are important here, it should be fitted properly with the smaller screen area of mobile devices.

  • Next ting, she may want to search a particular dress, on clicking the search box the keypad should be displayed allowing the user to enter the text and on clicking the search button the relevant listing should be displayed.

  • She may want to see more detail of a particular dress, clicks some buttons or links to explore more on the site. The buttons and other texts should be clear and readable.

  • Finally, she may want to buy a dress, so it is important that the payment process should be easy and hassle free. The process on mobile should be as seamless as she used to do with other devices such as laptops or desktops.

In short, when the user experiences the same UI on mobile as with other devices then we can call a website is perfectly mobile friendly.

As we discussed, the number of mobile users are growing day by day. So, it is important to have a mobile-friendly website to target the mobile users. Let’s discuss some of the essential features you should have in your websites keeping an eye on the mobile users.

The Features Which Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

The users have different expectations when they use your websites on their mobile phones instead of laptops or desktops. Interestingly, their expectations can be an opportunity for you to convert them into your actual customer. Think about the ‘Click to Call’ feature, which allows the user to directly connect with you just by clicking the option on your site. Isn’t it a great opportunity for you to turn him into your actual customer during the call?.

Let’s assume that you are the owner of a toy store in a busy market area. Which may create little difficulties for the customers to locate your stores and due to that they might end up buying the toys from other stores instead of yours. So, isn’t it great if your site has an interactive map which can give him real-time directions from his present location to your store using GPS? That must be helpful for the customers to easily find your stores.

There are other options like the size of fonts and buttons should be readable and clickable. Despite the smaller screen size of the mobile devices, the user should easily navigate to different pages and can perform all the possible actions required to complete the common and important tasks such as exploring the various products, placing the orders etc.

So, once your site is ready to be used on mobile devices with all the required features, the next big questions is that can it be found by the search engines? If the search engines can’t find your sites then there is no point of doing all this exercise, Isn’t it? Let’s discuss how the search engines work on mobile devices.

The Mobile SEO – Making Your Site Optimized

For all the search engines, one thing is common, that they look for relevant content irrespective of the devices used for searching. But in the case of mobile SEO, there are two major factors that the search engine considers the most are −

  • Performance
  • Usability

It is obvious that the search engines are programmed in a way the normal users expects from the websites, a responsive site has a better chance to appear in search results.

For example, when a user goes to your ethnic wears sites and clicks on a thumbnail to view the full-size images, the image should be displayed instantly. But if it takes a longer time to load then the user may leave your website to look for some other sites. Similarly, if he can’t navigate to different pages or stuck in a page without finding a back or exit button then that must leave a bad experience to the user. So, both the performance and the usability should be considered the top most criteria for the search engines to rank your site on the mobile devices.

So, keep in mind that both these factors – performance and usability can increase the chances of your websites to appear in the mobile search results.

Finally, to sustain in today’s business world, it is not enough to have a website which runs only on any particular devices. You must build your websites compatible with any devices be it mobile phones, laptops, desktops or Tablets. A well-designed website can be operated on any platforms; there is no need to create separate sites for each platform.

Updated on: 10-May-2022


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