Difference Between AngularJS and ReactJS

Two well-liked JavaScript-based front-end web development frameworks used to create contemporary online apps are AngularJS and ReactJS. Although though both frameworks can handle data-driven applications, for example, they differ greatly in terms of their design, programming paradigms, and development strategies. Developers must be aware of the differences between AngularJS and ReactJS in order to choose the best framework for their individual project requirements.

We will compare and contrast AngularJS and ReactJS in this lesson, outlining their advantages and disadvantages to assist developers in selecting the ideal framework for their web development projects.

What is AngularJS?

An open-source front-end web application framework called AngularJS is used to create dynamic single-page applications (SPAs). Google built it and keeps it up to date. The tools and functionality offered by AngularJS make it simple for programmers to create sophisticated, data-driven web apps.

One of AngularJS's standout features is its two-way data binding, which enables data to be instantly updated as changes are made to either the model or the view. Moreover, AngularJS has directives, which are unique HTML properties that can be used to bind data, design unique behaviours, and alter the DOM.

All things considered, AngularJS is a strong and adaptable framework that makes it simple to develop reliable, scalable web applications. Now Angular, a completely redesigned version of the framework that offers much more potent features and greater performance, has supplanted it.

Advantages of AngularJS

  • Declarative programming − AngularJS makes use of declarative programming, which enables programmers to declare an operation's desired result without mentioning how to get there. This improves the readability and maintainability of the code.

  • Two-way data binding − It is a feature of AngularJS that enables updates to the model to automatically update the view and the other way around. As a result, less boilerplate code is required to manage data.

  • Dependency injection − AngularJS's strong dependency injection framework makes it simple for developers to manage and arrange dependencies across components.

  • Directives − AngularJS offers a comprehensive collection of built-in directives that enable developers to enhance HTML's functionality and design unique behaviours.

Disadvantages of AngularJS

  • Steep learning curve − AngularJS has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to JavaScript or web development. This can make it challenging to get started with the framework.

  • Performance − AngularJS can be slower than other JavaScript frameworks due to its extensive use of two-way data binding and other features.

  • Complexity − AngularJS can be complex, especially for large applications. It requires careful planning and organization to maintain a scalable and maintainable codebase.

What is ReactJS?

The open-source JavaScript package ReactJS, sometimes known as React, is widely used to create user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. Facebook developed it, and today Facebook and a developer community manage it.

React offers a component-based architecture for creating user interfaces, allowing developers to deconstruct their programmes into simple, interchangeable parts known as components. Each component represents a distinct area of the user interface and can be applied to other areas of the application.

When the state of the application changes, React effectively updates the Interface using a virtual DOM (Document Object Model). React updates the virtual DOM when a component's state changes, then compares it to the real DOM. React updates the DOM only the portions that have changed, which is substantially faster than more conventional methods of refreshing the UI.

React also offers a number of features like JSX (a syntax extension that enables programmers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files), server-side rendering, and a wealth of third-party libraries and tools, making it a strong and versatile library for creating contemporary web applications.

Advantages of ReactJS

  • Component-based architecture − ReactJS offers a component-based architecture that makes it simple to construct intricate user interfaces from reusable, tiny components. The code becomes more modular and is simpler to maintain with this method.

  • Virtual DOM − ReactJS makes efficient use of a virtual DOM to refresh the user interface as the application's state changes. ReactJS is quicker than other methods of updating the UI because to this strategy, which reduces the number of DOM modifications.

  • Server-side rendering − ReactJS supports server-side rendering, which enables web pages to be created on the server rather than in the browser and then transmitted to the client as HTML. This method can enhance web apps' functionality and make them more search engine friendly.

  • Huge developer community − There are many resources, frameworks, and tools available to assist developers create and maintain ReactJS applications since ReactJS has a sizable and active developer community.

Disadvantages of ReactJS

  • Sharp learning curve − For developers who are new to JavaScript or web development, ReactJS might have a sharp learning curve. It could be difficult to start using the library as a result.

  • Not a full framework − ReactJS lacks numerous capabilities that are generally included in full-stack frameworks and is not a full-fledged framework. This implies that in order to create comprehensive web apps, developers may need to employ extra frameworks or tools.

  • Boilerplate code − To get started with ReactJS, developers must write a sizable amount of boilerplate code. This can take a lot of effort and eventually make it more difficult to maintain the codebase. Performance problems with large applications: ReactJS may experience performance problems with applications that have complicated user interfaces or are vast in size. Because of this, scaling ReactJS applications can be difficult as they become larger and more complicated.

Difference Between AngularJS and ReactJS

The following table highlights the major differences between AngularJS and ReactJS −




Initial Release

October 2010

March 2013

Latest Version

Angular 1.7.8 on 11 March 2019.

React 16.8.6 on 27 March 2019


JavaScript, HTML



Open Source MVC Framework

Open Source JS Framework











Regular DOM

Virtual DOM


Unit and Integration Testing

Unit Testing

App Architecture





Fast, due to virtual DOM.

Best For

Single page applications that refresh a single view at a time work best with it.

The best use cases are single page applications that update numerous views simultaneously.


Popular open-source JavaScript frameworks for creating web apps include AngularJS and ReactJS. There are, however, some significant differences between the two. A complete collection of tools and functionalities are offered by the full-featured framework AngularJS, which may be used to create sophisticated web applications. It offers a robust dependency injection system and leverages a two-way data binding architecture.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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