Difference between ReactJS and Vue.js


React or ReactJS was originally developed by Facebook and it acts on view layer for web and mobile based application. It integrates well with Node js environment. Following are key features of React.

  • Scalability - react is highly adaptable and scalable library.

  • Rich in features - Provides extensions to existing javascript and typescript languages.

  • Reusablity - react components are highly reusable.


Vue.js is javascript based MVC framework and is very helpful in creating responsive UI.Following are key features of Vue.js.

  • Scalability - Vue.js is highly adaptable and scalable library.

  • Rich in features - Provides extensions to existing html components.

  • Reusablity - Vue.js components are highly reusable and it provides support to create custom components.

Following are the important differences between ReactJS and Vue.js.

Sr. No.KeyReactJSVue.js
1ConceptReactJS is a javascript library and utilizes JSX approach for development.Vue.js is javascript based MVC framework. It uses templates based approach for development.
2Released inReact.js was released in May 2013.Vue.js was released in Feb 2014.
3UsageReact.js is used in interactive web and mobile based applications.Vue.js is used in responsive web based applications.
4SpeedReact speed is good but less than Vue.jsVue.js is faster than React.js in performance.
5Backed ByFacebook.Laravel, Alibaba.
6State Management LibraryMobX is used as State Management Library.VueX is used as State Management Library.
7Used byPayPal, Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram etc.Alibaba, GitLab, Trustpilot, etc.

Updated on: 28-Nov-2019


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