Difference between NodeJS and AngularJS

The demand for different programming languages is constantly shifting due to the creation of new mobile and online applications. Additionally, emerging programming languages provide useful capabilities for the construction of powerful websites. A study done by developers at 2020 shows that JavaScript is widely considered to be one of the most popular technologies.

Both NodeJS and AngularJS are open-source technologies that are based on JavaScript and are in wide use. AngularJS is a framework written in JavaScript, while NodeJS is a runtime environment that works across several platforms.

Angular is a client-side JavaScript framework that allows developers to construct dynamic web applications based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and making use of HTML as a template language. AngularJS was developed by Google and is called Angular.

NodeJS makes it easier for programmers to construct scalable server-side applications by employing JavaScript as the language for server-side development. Because of this, you can't just switch between NodeJS and AngularJS when comparing things like architecture, functionality, performance, and application.

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a server-side platform that was created on top of the JavaScript Engine found in Google Chrome (V8 Engine). In 2009, Ryan Dahl was the one who invented Node.js, and the most recent version of it is v0.10.36.

Node.js is a framework that was developed on Chrome's JavaScript engine that makes it simple to create network applications that are both quick and scalable. NodeJS is a lightweight and fast programming language that is event-driven and uses a non-blocking I/O architecture. It is perfect for real-time applications that use a lot of data and run on many different devices.

NodeJS is Asynchronous and Event-Driven

All of the APIs in the NodeJS library are asynchronous, which means they do not block. It implies that a Node.js-based server will never hold its breath and wait for an API to deliver data. The server will go to the next API, and a notification system built into Events in Node.js will assist the server in receiving a response from the API it just called.

When Is It Appropriate to Use NodeJS?

The following is a list of domains in which Node.js has proven itself to be an ideal partner in terms of technology −

  • Applications that are constrained by I/O constraints

  • Applications that allow streaming of data

  • Data-intensive Real-time Applications (DIRT)

  • Applications that are written using JSON APIs.

  • Applications consisting of only a single page

What is AngularJS?

The AngularJS Framework is an extremely strong version of JavaScript. SPA projects, which stand for Single Page Application, make use of it. It enhances the responsiveness of HTML DOM to user actions and adds new properties that increase HTML DOM's capabilities.

AngularJS is a free and open-source software framework that is used by thousands of developers all over the globe. It is distributed with the Apache licence version 2.0 attached to it.

General Features of AngularJS

The following is a list of the general properties that AngularJS possesses −

  • With the help of the AngularJS framework (RIA), you can make Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) that work well.

  • Developers have the option, thanks to AngularJS, of writing clientside apps in JavaScript in a manner that is cleanly Model View Controller (MVC).

  • Applications that are created in AngularJS are compatible with a wide variety of browsers. AngularJS handles JavaScript code in a manner that is automatically appropriate for each browser.

  • AngularJS is a web development framework that is open source, does not cost anything to use, and is used by thousands of developers all over the globe. It is licenced under version 2.0 of the Apache General Public License.

Benefits of Using AngularJS

The benefits of using AngularJS are as follows −

  • AngularJS helps in making Single Page Applications that are very well organized and easy to keep up with.

  • It adds the possibility of data binding to HTML. As a result, it provides the user with an experience that is both rich and responsive.

  • AngularJS code is unit testable.

  • Dependency injection and separation of concerns are two concepts that are used by AngularJS.

  • AngularJS offers reusable components.

Developers can use AngularJS to accomplish greater functionality with fewer lines of code.

Disadvantages of AngularJS

Even though there are a lot of benefits that come with AngularJS, there are still some concerns that need to be addressed.

  • Applications created with AngularJS are not secure since the framework only supports JavaScript, which makes them insecure. To keep an application safe, authentication and authorization have to be done on the server.

  • Not degradable − If a user of your application disables JavaScript, then nothing other than the default page will be shown.

Difference between NodeJS and AngularJS

The following table highlights the major differences between NodeJS and AngularJS −

Node.js is a run-time environment framework that is cross-platform, open-source, and designed for applications that are written in the JavaScript programming language.
The Angular team at Google is responsible for managing the Angular open-source web app framework. The team that was responsible for developing AngularJS has rebuilt it.
The majority of the code is written in JavaScript, followed by C, and then C++.
The code is written in a language known as typescript.
The majority of Node.js projects are used to develop server-side apps.
Angular may be used to construct client-side web apps that are single-page in nature.
The design of Node.js is event-driven, which allows it to perform as an asynchronous input and output (I/O) process.
Angular employs components and directives. Its constituent part is a directive that makes use of a template.
Framework Integration
It incorporates a number of different frameworks, such as Partial.js, Express.js, and Sails.js.
Due to the fact that it is a web application development framework in its own right, it does not combine other frameworks.
When a quicker and more scalable web developmentsolution is required, Node.js is the better choice. It is often used in the construction of projects of a more modest scale.
When it comes to developing real-time applications, such as chat apps or instant messaging software, Angular is the framework of choice. In most cases, it is used in the construction of innovative and interactive apps.
Dependency Injection
This location does not have a dependency injection mechanism like that.
In this case, a hierarchical dependency injection strategy is used.
Installation Process
Because Node.js includes a JavaScript runtime environment, the software must be installed on the computer before it can be used for the development of web applications.
The installation procedure is not necessary for using Angular. Simply incorporating Angular into your programming workflow will allow you to utilize it.


Both AngularJS and NodeJS have their own special qualities and distinctions that contribute to the creation of dynamic online applications.

Angular is one of the most popular web frameworks, and it often offers support for thorough documentation. This may be of use to JavaScript developers in terms of locating technical answers and quickly resolving emergent issues. On the other hand, NodeJS may be more beneficial than other web development platforms when it comes to the creation of basic web servers and apps that are scalable.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2022


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