Cyber System Security

The Cyber System generally means the word related to a group of computers or Information Technology. And Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. It provides a wide range of functions namely Information Technology, Networking, Computer systems, and mainly cyber security operations. Cyber System Security secures the computer system from cyber-attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks, and the cost to retain the services becoming higher.

Cyber System

A system that utilizes cyberspace is referred to as a cyber system. Information infrastructures, as well as individuals and other entities involved in the system's operational procedures and other behaviors, may all be included in a cyber-system.

BES (Bulk Electric System) Cyber System

The "BES Cyber System" is used to give a useful level at which a Responsible Entity can organize their documented compliance with the requirements and supporting documentation. The well-developed idea of a security plan for each BES Cyber System can be used by Responsible Entities to record the policies, procedures, and strategies in place to meet security requirements.

BES Cyber Security

Information regarding the BES Cyber System that could be utilized to obtain unauthorized access or put the BES Cyber System at risk for security is referred to as BES Cyber Security Information. Certain pieces of information, such as device names, isolated IP addresses, ESP names, or policy statements that by themselves do not pose a threat or cannot be utilized to gain unauthorized access to BES Cyber Systems are excluded from the BES Cyber System Information.

Examples of BES Cyber System

Examples of BES Cyber System Information may include but are not limited to, collections of network addresses, the network topology of the BES Cyber System, security procedures or security information about BES Cyber Systems, Physical Access Control Systems, and Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems that is not publicly available and could be used to allow unauthorized access or unauthorized distribution.

Benefits of Cyber Security in Systems

  • The company is shielded from malicious attacks which could cause a high loss of data and money.

  • It reduces the process of changing security policy violations and data leaks.

Concerns of Hardware Cyber Security

Most of the technology and equipment used to build India's cyber security infrastructure are now imported. The same as any other connected system, these systems are susceptible to cyber threats.

Elements of Cyber Systems

Cyber-attacks are performed for profit through the data from cloud computing, online services, and other login credentials which can be used to theft money. The Computer System must follow certain rules to protect from the cyber-attacks and some of the cyber system security elements are included below,

1. Cloud Computing System

Cloud storage is built and used by many business firms for both public and private usage. In emerging technologies cloud storage plays the biggest role to keep our enormous amount of data and information in one place with any security measure like encryption or password. So, it has to be protected by using different layers of security.

2. Antivirus Software in Cyber Security

By identifying, blocking, and eliminating malware and viruses from computer systems and networks, antivirus software plays a crucial part in cyber security. A danger is neutralized by antivirus software by scanning files, emails, and web pages for any indications of harmful activity.

3. Perimeter System Security

The first lines of defense for the business peripheral infrastructure located on-site are often various detection systems. The perimeter system security is the same as a guard outside a house or company who allows only the persons with proper Entry and blocks unknown persons. In a computer system, Firewalls use sensors to detect the right person and block harmful persons. Data loss prevention (DLP) and Demilitarized zones (DMZs) and solutions aid in network segmentation and critical asset separation, ensuring secure network packet delivery.

4. Access Management

The Organization should take care of their respective employees by guiding them not to install software that may affect the normal functioning of the system. Using the admin permission, the other employee’s activities are monitored and controlled when any malfunctions happen.

5. Security Operation Centre

The key role of the organization is the Security Operation Center (SOC) which monitors the Employees, Clients, and the technologies used. Using this Centre, the cause and effect of the attack are captured which helps to increase the security of the system.


To provide the System for safeguarding a business against cyberattacks, a cyber-security system integrates the computer system and the security application. There is also an advanced technology that integrates the physical and the cyber system called the Cyber-Physical system. The computer system or network of the computer system is used to transmit, control, and communicate data.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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