Cyber Security Salaries in the UK


The good times came during the recent pandemic for cyber security professionals globally and in the UK. It is a huge harvest of well-paid specialist jobs, with many vacancies still needing to be filled. The increased cybercrime happened with the great expansion of online services during the covid lockdown. It is hard to believe the figures revealed through surveys. About 39% of UK businesses faced cyberattacks during the last year! Now that workers are returning to physical offices, the world realized that WFH has many advantages. A mixture of office attendance and Work From Home is best. Besides, the required cyber security staff amidst the newly increased IT services still needs to be met. Many vacancies remain, and high salaries, like in the UK, should attract the best talent. The average cyber security salary in the UK is over £54,000 annually, which is over £28 an hour. Isn’t that very attractive? Those were averages that sometimes mislead. Cyber security salaries in the UK range from £40,000 per annum to over £77,000 per annum.

Digitize Businesses or Close Down?

In recent times, many companies have been compelled to close down globally. Competition is increasing, and services like cabs, food delivery, and even sales turning digital online are the norm. It is easy to realize the extent of digital systems and the requirements of keen and qualified IT workers. Freshers do not have the advantage of experience, and every company wants that. In cyber security online, which is only one segment of IT, 2013 had one million vacancies which will grow to 3.5 million in 2021. Some areas that need cyber security specialists greatly are London and Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh,and Glasgow.

A Range of Cyber Security Positions and Salaries

Cyber security careers is a general term, and this is an age of specialization. It might be a general bachelor’s study, but special subjects must follow. Hands-on experience is fundamental while training or on the job. Some jobs overlap, like in a small company where a single worker handles all the related tasks. Mega companies would have a team of cyber security workers.

  • Computer Systems Engineer/Architect may earn £69,900 per annum

  • A Network Engineer/Architect draws £60,000

  • Systems Analysts get paid £57,500

  • Project Managers get £59,600

  • A Computer Support Specialist would earn £28,400

  • A Computer Support Specialist would earn £28,400

  • A Computer Support Specialist would earn £28,400

  • Security Management Specialists earn £57,000

  • A Software Developer/Engineer earns £70,000

  • A Security Manager gets £54,400

Nine Essential Cybersecurity-related Skills

Just like a chef should know cuisines and cooking procedures, cyber security requires nine skills to get ahead.

  • Application Security
  • Application Security
  • Regulatory laws
  • Cryptography
  • Data security
  • Network security
  • Data analysis
  • Threat knowledge
  • Identity management

UK Salary Averages and Ranges Location−wise

In London City, cyber security salaries average over £?77,000 annually while the range extends from £57,000 to £82,000. In Gloucester, salary averages stand at £72,000 while the range commences at £67,000. Southampton pays an average of £67,000, which commences at £52,000 and goes up to £72,000. Manchester has an average of over £47,000, commencing at £42,000 and going up to £52,000. In Coventry, the average stands at £57,000, beginning at £55,000 and reaching £62,000. In Bristol, the range starts from £47,000 and ends at£62,000. In Birmingham, the range extends from a beginning at £47,000 to a high of £67,000.

What is the Work Like for Cyber Security Positions?

Thorough communication skills in speech and writing and soft skills like leadership are at the very core. A warm and pleasing personality helps to get far in the job. Along with technical expertise and logical thinking is the ability to solve problems that may arise daily. Emergencies like data breaches do not come often but if they do, be prepared with solutions. Preventive action works best in harmony with new technologies. Knowing how hackers work and developing a line of defense is the task.

Awareness of cyber security rules and regulations in the UK to start with. Deep understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Learning how to work with Data and Information Security is crucial. Trending Threat Awareness and Risk Assessment lie at the top of the agenda. Identity Management, Application Security, and Cryptography are just a little behind. Knowing MySQL database platforms and Blockchains, cloud security, and the different operating systems are fundamental. Details of computer networking and building network architecture are very important. Systematic knowledge and applications of coding and programming languages like Java, Python, and C++ are among the essentials. Learn disassembly, assembly, and scripting languages (PHP, Perl, or shell).

Attractive Salaries for Robust and Dedicated Skills

Job roles and payments are usually directly proportional in every industry. When the risks increase, like cybercrimes, the pay to guard against them is high. Cyber security does not involve physical risks that a soldier may face. Yet, the dangers of cyberattacks and huge losses are a possibility that is getting more frequent each year. Industry losses through ransomware and downtime, loss of productivity, and services add up to billions. Instead of being helpless, positive action is the need of the hour that begins with updated technologies, just like knowing the new viruses being born all the time. The dynamic nature of the task attracts many young workers willing to take up the challenges.

Online courses are everywhere; even short sessions effectively learned through multimedia support are a good beginning. Certifications and degrees are necessary and important too as proof of achievement. Despite the credentials, they make only a beginning. The rest has to be proved in the field with the divergence between bookish learning and practice. Simulated learning helps to cope with real problems on the job. Learning a little each day from different sources and media, courses, and work helps to achieve an all around comprehension.


Qualified cyber security workers already active in the field with some work experience are blessed professionally. Promotions and greater opportunities are on the way. Vacancies increase steadily, and many positions remain unfilled yet in the UK. There is no time to relax with so much at stake when frequent cyberattacks occur. Intensive efforts and keeping abreast with novel technology may help succeed in effectively fighting cybercrime. Keep your fingers crossed and make the best use of online facilities to improve your skills. Isn’t it a pity that insider attacks often leak secrets like passwords and result in great losses?

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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