CUDA - Memory Considerations

As we already know, CUDA applications process large chunks of data from the global memory in a short span of time. Hence, more often than not, limited memory bandwidth is a bottleneck to optimal performance.

In this chapter, we will discuss memory coalescing. It is one of the most important things that are taken into account while writing CUDA applications. Coalesced memory accesses improve the performance of your applications drastically.

Data bits in DRAM cells are stored in very weak capacitors that hold charge to distinguish between 1 and 0. A charge capacitor contains 1, and it shares its charge with a sensor that determines if it was sufficiently charged to represent a 1. This process is slow, and accessing a bit like this would be very inefficient. Instead, what actually happens is that many consecutive cells transfer their charges in parallel to increase bandwidth. There are multiple sensors present that detect charges on these cell in parallel. Whenever a location is accessed in the DRAM, data at locations adjacent to it are also accessed and supplied. Now, if that data were actually needed, then it is used and bandwidth is saved. Otherwise, it goes to waste.

We already know that threads in a warp execute the same instruction at any point in time. Let the instruction be LOAD (LD). If it so happens that the threads are accessing consecutive memory locations in the DRAM, then their individual requests can be coalesced into one. This is detected by the hardware dynamically, and saves a lot of DRAM bandwidth. When all threads of a warp access consecutive memory locations, it is the most optimal access pattern. For example, if thread 0 of the warp accesses location 0 of the DRAM, thread 1 accesses location 1, and so on, their requests will be merged into one. Such access patterns enable the DRAM to supply data close to their peak bandwidth.

Let us take our example of matrix-multiplication and see how the row-major layout gives rise to coalesced access pattern, ultimately leading to improved performance. Consider the matrix given below −

Matrix to be stored

M0,0 M0,1 M0,2 M0,3
M1,0 M1,1 M1,2 M1,3
M2,0 M2,1 M2,2 M2,3
M3,0 M3,1 M3,2 M3,3

Row major layout

M0,0 M0,1 M0,2 M0,3 M1,0 M1,1 M1,2 M1,3 M2,0 M2,1 M2,2 M2,3 M3,0 M3,1 M3,2 M3,3

Let us take the threads of a warp. Let each thread process a row. In the 0th iteration, all of them will be accessing the 0th element of each row. In the 1st iteration, the 1st element of each row, and in the 2nd iteration, the 2nd element. Now, since CUDA stores its matrices in row major layout, let us see the access pattern −

0th iteration

  • Elements accessed − M(0,0), M(1,0), M(2,0) and so on.

1th iteration

  • Elements accessed − M(0,1), M(1,1), M(2,1) and so on.

As you can see, the memory locations that are accessed in each loop are not consecutive. Hence, coalesced memory access will not be of much help here and optimal bandwidth is not achieved.

Let each thread now access the 0th element of each column. Let us see the access pattern now −

0th iteration

  • Elements accessed − M(0,0), M(0,1), M(0,2) and M(0,3) and so on.

1th iteration

  • Elements accessed − M(1,0), M(1,1), M(1,2) and M(1,3) and so on.

As you can see that in each iteration, consecutive memory locations are accessed, and hence, all these requests can be coalesced into a single one. This increases the kernel performance.

It may so happen that data are to be accessed in a non-favourable pattern. For example, while doing matrix multiplication, one of the matrices has to be read in a non-coalesced manner. The programmer has no choice here. So, what can instead be done is that one of the matrices can be loaded into the shared memory in a coalesced manner, and then it can be read in any pattern (row major or column major). Performance will not be affected much since the shared memory is an intrinsically high-speed memory that resides on-chip.

Here is a tiled kernel for matrix multiplication −

__global__ void MatrixMulTiled(float *Md, float *Nd, float *Pd, int width) {
   __shared__ float Mds[width_tile][width_tile];
   __shared__ float Nds[width_tile][width_tile];
   int bx = blockIdx.x;
   int by = blockIdx.y;
   int tx = threadIdx.x;
   int ty = threadIdx.y;
   //identify what pd element to work on
   int row = by * width_tile + ty;
   int col = bx * width_tile + tx;
   float product_val = 0;
   for(int m = 0; m < width/width_tile; m++) {
      //load the tiles
      Mds[ty][tx] = Md[row*width + (m*width_tile + tx)];
      Nds[ty][tx] = Nd[col*width + (m*width_tile + ty)];
      for(int k=0; k < width_tile; k++) {
         product_val += Mds[ty][k] * Nds[k][tx];
      pd[row][col] = product_val;