CSS2 - Pseudo Class & Elements Properties

This is a complete reference guide for web developers where we have listed all the CSS properties related to Pseudo Class and Elements defined in the World Wide Web Consortium's Recommended Specification for Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.

Click any property to see its description with examples −

Sr.No. Property & Description
1 :active

Use this class to add special effect to an activated element.

2 :focus

Use this class to add special effect to an element while the element has focus.

3 :hover

Use this class to add special effect to an element when you mouse over it.

4 :link

Use this class to add special effect to an unvisited link.

5 :visited

Use this class to add special effect to a visited link.

6 :first-child

Use this class to add special effect to an element that is the first child of some other element.

7 :lang

Use this class to specify a language to use in a specified element.

8 :first-letter

Use this element to add special effect to the first letter of a text.

9 :first-line

Use this element to add special effect to the first line of a text.

10 :before

Use this element to insert some content before an element.

11 :after

Use this element to insert some content after an element.
