Basis Vectors in Linear Algebra in Machine Learning


Linear algebra forms the backbone of many machine learning algorithms, and one key concept within this field is that of basis vectors. In machine learning, basis vectors provide a powerful framework for representing and understanding complex data sets. By decomposing data into its constituents based on these vectors, we unlock new ways to extract meaningful patterns and make accurate predictions. This article explores the role of basis vectors in linear algebra's application to machine learning. Understanding how to leverage basis vectors empowers researchers and practitioners to push the boundaries of machine learning, ultimately leading us towards smarter technologies capable of dealing with increasingly intricate real−world challenges.

Basis Vectors in Linear Algebra

A set of linearly independent vectors is defined as a basis for a given vector space if any other vector within that space can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of those basis vectors. These combinations are generally determined by coefficients or scalars associated with each respective basis vector.

Basis Vectors and Coordinate Systems

In linear algebra, coordinate systems play a vital role in describing points or objects in relatively simple terms. By using appropriate coordinate systems constituted by chosen basis vectors, complex problems become more manageable. For instance, changing from cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to polar coordinates (r, θ) simplifies certain geometrical operations involving angles or circles.

Basis vectors in linear algebra serve as fundamental building blocks for manipulating data points in vector spaces. By expressing complex vectors in terms of simpler basis vectors, machine learning algorithms can effectively understand and process dimensional relationships within datasets. Through Python−based implementation and visualization examples provided above, we hope that we have gained insight into this essential concept of linear algebra for machine learning applications.

Applying Basis Vectors in Machine Learning

  • Dimensionality Reduction: One notable use case involves extracting significant features from high−dimensional datasets through dimensionality reduction techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA identifies orthogonal directions−represented by its eigenvectors−as new bases capable of capturing most variation present in the dataset while discarding less relevant information

  • Feature Extraction: When dealing with multi− modal data like images or audio signals − which often exhibit complex structures − choosing an appropriate set of bases allows us to decompose them effectively into simpler components called features. Examples include Fourier Transform−based Frequency Bases or Wavelet Transform−based Time−Frequency Bases.

  • Representation Learning: Basis vectors can be applied to learn underlying representations of input data, particularly in unsupervised learning settings. Techniques like autoencoders or sparse coding aim at finding an optimal set of basis vectors that reconstruct the original data with minimal error. This process automatically discovers latent structures and patterns within the dataset.

  • Regression and Classification: In linear regression or classification tasks, where we seek a hyperplane that best separates or approximates our training data, understanding basis vectors becomes crucial. Choosing suitable bases allows us to define decision boundaries effectively and accurately predict outcomes for unseen samples.

Python code to Implement basis Vector in Linear Algebra in Machine Learning

Let's dive into some practical examples utilizing Python code to better comprehend how basis vectors work in machine learning scenarios. We will focus on a two−dimensional vector space with two primary basis vectors − `a` (horizontal) and `b` (vertical).


Step 1 :The required module is numpy and imported as np.

Step 2 :The basic vector is initialized with a and b component.

Step 3 :Initialize the sample vector with some values.

Step 4 :Represent the vector in terms of a and b components.

Step 5 :Multiply the x−coordinate of the sample vector with a component and b component.

Step 6 :Add both components to obtain the resultant vector and print the resultant


#including the numpy module
import numpy as np

# Defining the basis vectors as a component and b component
a = np.array([23, 0])  
b = np.array([0, 23])  

# initializing the sample vector with some values as -7 and 9
sample = np.array([-7, 9])  

# Representing the vector in terms of a and b components
#Multiplying the x-coordinate of the sample vector with the a component
a_component = sample[0] * a  
#Multiplying the x-coordinate of the sample vector with the b component 
b_component = sample[1] * b    

# Appending the two components and storing in the new variable named final_resultant
final_resultant = a_component + b_component 
# Print the resultant vector after the calculation
print("Resultant Vector is:", final_resultant)   


Resultant vector is: [-161, 207]


Basis vectors are an indispensable tool in linear algebra when it comes to solving complex problems within machine learning. By representing high−dimensional datasets via these bases, we unlock valuable insights into their structure while enabling more efficient algorithms for pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, representation learning, as well as regression and classification tasks.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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