Found 168 Articles for System Security

What is ISCII Encoding?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 10:43:45

1K+ Views

The full form of ISCII is Indian Script Code for Information Interchange. It was established as Bureau of Indian Standards in 1991 and it is based on an earlier Indian Standard IS 10401:1982. It is a type of coding scheme for Indian languages.It is an 8-bit standard where lower 128 characters (0-127) conform to ASCII standard and higher 128 characters (128-255) are used to encode characters from an Indian script.ISCII encoding strategy is used in Unicode in their encoding. Generally the characters of the Indian language derive from the ancient Brahmi script. Mostly all the characters resemble closely to each ... Read More

What do you need to join the metaverse?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:37:16


Many businesses, investors, and techies have been eager to adopt Facebook's recent name change to Meta, which has sparked rampant speculation about the next stage of onlin connection. They want to start buying and selling new ideas and concepts based on a theoretical metaverse, which will eventually facilitate all new types of connection.But there's a catch: the metaverse is only a theoretical notion, with even Meta claiming that it would take many years to become a reality. Nobody knows what the metaverse will be like just yet, and while some envisage a new era of digital connectivity that puts more ... Read More

What is mesh wireless technology?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:31:03

1K+ Views

Any wireless mesh network that uses mesh networking to carry data is referred to as a wireless mesh network. That is, nodes not only send and receive data but also act as relays for other nodes, and each node works together to propagate data around the network.A wireless mesh network comprises nodes, with each mesh node also serving as a router. In contrast, a wifi access point can only give service within the signal range, and once the signal is shut off, the connection is lost. Mesh nodes operate uniquely, rerouting data to another hop to which it is connected, ... Read More

What is the difference between Tutanota and ProtonMail?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:24:45


Tutanota and ProtonMail are the market leaders in "secure email" for people in the know and concerned about their privacy. Both have a solid reputation for keeping user emails safe from prying eyes, including their own. If they want to, most email services can decode and read your emails. Even those marketed as safe.' Tutanota and Protonmail are two of the greatest private and secure email services available right now, with both providing end-to-end encryption.So, which is the best option? Let's compare Tutanota vs ProtonMail to find whether one is superior in general—or for you specifically.What exactly is Tutanota?Tutanota is ... Read More

What is Zeus Trojan? How does it Work, and How to Stay Safe?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:19:32


Today, people are online more than ever before, with about 300 million individuals in the United States alone using the Internet.While there are numerous advantages to this, there are also risks: hackers and cybercriminals are always seeking new ways to gain access to people's personal information and steal their money by employing malware and trojans.The Zeus trojan is considered one of the most dangerous malware programs on the market has infected thousands of users worldwide.What is the Zeus Trojan?The Zeus Trojan is a form of Trojan that infects Windows systems and steals banking and financial information. When it infects a ... Read More

What are the worst ransomware attacks of 2021?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:13:49


Both good and terrible news came our way this year. The good news is that the general public is becoming more aware of ransomware and its dangers. The bad news is that the massive number of ransomware assaults that 2021 brought us has fueled this awareness. In 2021, ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline, JBS Foods, and other large corporations gained news, and they show no signs of abating. Hackers are exploiting security flaws all across the world, holding the data of businesses, governments, and healthcare institutions hostage and demanding tens of millions of dollars in ransom.What is a Ransomware?Ransomware is ... Read More

What are the worst Amazon scams and how to avoid them?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:05:39


You have undoubtedly been shopping on Amazon for years with no issues. However, in the prominent eCommerce industry, you're now seeing frauds on a regular basis.Many Amazon sellers have had a moment when their hands are in their hair and the question "Have I been scammed?" runs through their heads. We've put up a list of frequent Amazon scams and how to prevent them from assisting you in combating these risks to your online shop.Every day, a new fraud or vulnerability is uncovered, so it's critical to take precautions to safeguard your company. Every swindled sale is a genuine one ... Read More

What is the Relationship Between Data Privacy And Cybersecurity

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 07:02:35


Data security and privacy are two linked ideas but not the same. Many individuals may think this is self-evident, but only a few can clearly describe the difference. Furthermore, without data security, privacy is impossible. This concept does not operate in the opposite direction, and the reason for this is frequently overlooked. Data security and privacy are commonly mixed in vague and imprecise rules due to a lack of awareness of the differences. Developers, administrators, and users are all confused due to this.What is data privacy?Data privacy, also known as information privacy, is a subset of data protection that deals ... Read More

How Blockchain technology can benefit the Internet of things?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:48:33


We'd want to walk you through the impact of blockchain on the Internet of Things today (IoT). In 2018, estimated the global IoT and blockchain market to be worth 37.4 million USD. In addition, the analysis estimates that the market will be worth roughly 9 billion dollars in 2027. IBM, which has 1, 000+ people and $200 million invested in blockchain- powered IoT, is one of the leading IT firms in the sector.Hence, we decided it was time to look into this topic and see what we could find out. So, before we get started, let's define the Internet ... Read More

What are the economic impacts of Cyberattacks?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:45:12


Information security, defined as the protection of computer systems and the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data they hold, has long been recognized as a critical national policy issue. Its significance is expanding as computers become more integrated into more facets of modern life. Furthermore, cyberattacks, or information security breaches, appear to be becoming more common. Few are willing to dismiss the likelihood that future attacks will be far more severe than those seen thus far. A fundamental challenge in the public and private sectors is allocating appropriate information security resources.Attacking Techniques Most Commonly Used Against OrganizationsDDoSIn distributed denial-of-service ... Read More
