Found 1631 Articles for Android

How to Create Dynamic Bottom Sheet Dialog in Android using Firebase Firestore?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:32:41


A dynamic bottom sheet in Android alludes to a client interface component that slides up from the foot of the screen to show extra data, choices, or activities. Not at all like inactive foot sheets with settled substance, energetic foot sheets recover information from a source like Firebase Firestore, permitting engineers to powerfully populate the sheet with important data. This empowers real-time overhauls and customization without adjusting the app's code. Energetic foot sheets improve client interaction by giving relevant and up-to-date substance, such as client profiles, item subtle elements, or menu alternatives, in a helpful and outwardly engaging way, progressing ... Read More

How to Create Dialog with Custom Layout in Android?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:12:47


A custom format in Android alludes to the capacity to make and utilise a unique client interface (UI) plan for a discourse. By default, Android provides pre-defined discourse formats for common usage cases. In any case, with custom formats, designers can plan and characterise their own discourse UI by indicating the format components, styling, and interactions. Custom formats permit total control over the appearance and usefulness of the discourse. Designers can make outwardly engaging and intelligent dialogues customised to particular prerequisites and plan inclinations. This adaptability empowers the consideration of complex UI components, such as content areas, buttons, pictures, and ... Read More

How to Create Custom Shapes of Data Points in GraphView in Android?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:11:52


Custom shapes in GraphView in Android allude to the capacity to make and utilise personalised shapes for information focused on a chart. By default, graphing libraries give essential shapes like circles or squares to speak to information focus. Be that as it may, custom shapes permit designers to characterise and utilise their own one-of-a-kind shapes, such as triangles, stars, or any other craved plan. This customization improves the visual request and uniqueness of the information focus, making the chart more outwardly engaging and enlightening. Designers can make custom shapes by characterising the shape's features or by utilising picture assets. They ... Read More

How to Create Contacts App in Android Studio?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:09:49


A Contacts app in Android Studio is an application that empowers clients to oversee and organise their contact data in a helpful and user-friendly way. It gives a stage for making, putting away, and getting to contact points of interest such as names, phone numbers, mail addresses, and more. Clients can include unused contacts, see existing ones, rummage around for particular contacts, and perform operations like altering or erasing contact data. The app ordinarily utilises highlights like RecyclerView to show contacts in a list arrangement, ProgressBar to demonstrate stacking status, and FloatingActionButton for including modern contacts. By advertising basic functionalities ... Read More

How to Create CircularDialog in Android?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:03:49


To form a circular dialogue in Android, incorporate the circular dialogue library as a dependency in your extension. At that point, instantiate a circular dialogue question and customise its properties, such as title, message, and buttons. Appear the exchange utilising the appear() strategy and handle client intelligence through implemented callbacks or audience members. When no longer required, reject the exchange utilising the reject() strategy. This circular exchange gives an appealing and instinctive way to display data or assemble input from clients in an Android application. Methods Used Manual implementation Manual Implementation To form a circular dialogue in Android, ... Read More

How to Create Blink Effect on TextView in Android?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:02:41


Get a reference to the TextView in your Android action or fragment. Create a Handler question to handle the timing of the squint effect. Create a boolean variable to track the perceivability state of the TextView. Define a Runnable protest that flips the perceivability of the TextView. In the Runnable's run() strategy, utilise the postDelayed() strategy of the Handler to flip the perceivability of the TextView. Specify the delay length for the flip, such as 500 milliseconds. Inside the run() strategy, check the perceivability state of the TextView and flip it using the setVisibility() method. Use the postDelayed() strategy once ... Read More

How to Create a Dynamic Auto Image Slider in Android with Firebase?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 14:00:51


A dynamic intro slider in Android alludes to a client interface component that shows an arrangement of slides or screens to present and direct clients through an app's highlights or onboarding handle. Not at all like inactive intro sliders, which have settled substance, energetic intro sliders recover the slide information from an information source such as Firebase Firestore. This permits designers to effortlessly upgrade and oversee the substance of the intro slides without adjusting the app's code. Energetic intro sliders give a customizable and intelligent way to lock in clients and give them pertinent data about the app, improving onboarding ... Read More

How to Create a Circular ImageView in Android using CardView?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 13:59:03


A Circular image view in Android alludes to a picture view component that shows a picture in a circular shape. It is accomplished by applying a circular veil to the ImageView and trimming the picture to fit inside the circular boundary. This makes an outwardly engaging impact and is commonly utilised for showing profile pictures or circular symbols. By utilising the CardView holder, designers can effectively make a Circular image view by setting the image view's corner sweep to half of its width or height, successfully changing it into a circular shape. This approach gives a straightforward and rich arrangement ... Read More

How to Create a Circular Determinate ProgressBar in Android?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 13:57:35


A Circular Determinate progress bar in Android could be a visual component that demonstrates the progress of an errand in a circular mould. Not at all like a vague ProgressBar, which ceaselessly invigorates without appearing particularly advanced, a determinate ProgressBar shows a characterised advance esteem. It regularly consists of a circular shape with an advance marker that fills the circle relative to the task's completion. The Circular Determinate ProgressBar gives clients visual input on the progress of a particular assignment, such as downloading a record or uploading information. By setting the advance value programmatically, engineers can overhaul the ProgressBar to ... Read More

Loading Button in Android

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:39:39


A typical UI component in Android applications that tells the user that an operation is being processed is the loading button. The button text transforms into a loading animation or progress bar when a user presses it, indicating that the programme is processing the user's request. This is especially helpful when an operation, like completing a form or downloading data, can take a few seconds to complete. By removing confusion and offering updates on the status of an action, a loading button can improve the user experience. It is a straightforward but efficient method for raising an Android app's perceived ... Read More
