Found 725 Articles for Digital Marketing

Facebook is not safe anymore!! Biggest data Scandal on Facebook.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 09:07:28


The day starts with checking facebook notifications. You cannot imagine any person from teenage to retirement age not using facebook nowadays. There are over 2 billion users all over the world!!The breakout of sensational news about the major misuse of Facebook data search tools has taken the world by storm. Facebook announced on Wednesday, 4th April, that the Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy hired by the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republicans had improperly gathered detailed Facebook information on 87 million people, of whom 71 million were Americans.Facebook confirmed that "malicious actors" hacked the personal details of most of ... Read More

Why does Trump have so many misspellings in his tweets? Is it on purpose?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Have you ever seen Trump's tweets? He is notorious for his spelling mistakes in his tweets. His famous typos include “rediculous” and “politicons”, misspelling "Barrack” Obama's name and even his wife Melania Trump's name.We cannot say that the President of America does not know how to spell simple English words, but it has become his trademark to tweet error prone messages.It is also believed that he does not pen all his tweets, and the staffers who do that on his behalf also reportedly insert grammatical errors to match his tweeting style.Some of his famous errors

Why should I use Hubspot?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:45:27


Hubspot is used in your Inbound Marketing system to manage and run it smoothly. It makes the creation of workflows very easy and user actions and events can be clearly defined which can be triggered automatically. This helps greatly in the automation of your marketing system. One of the best inbound software currently out there is HubSpot.It's A Complete Marketing Platform.Previously marketers were forced to juggle between different platforms to reach their potential customers. Hubspot is all in one tool where you can create and optimize your content, nurture leads and at the same time monitor contacts as they evolve ... Read More

I own an e-commerce business. What is more, benefiting for me - Remarketing or shopping campaign?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 05:21:10


Before we decide on which is more benefiting, Remarketing or shopping campaign let us see and understand how do they work?Shopping CampaignThe Google shopping campaigns are easily manageable and have benefits like bidding is much simpler, easy to set up new campaigns and it is a great tool to share your workload. Your products are already added to the list in Shopping Campaign format by Google itself. With google shopping campaign, you can browse all your products directly in AdWords, set campaign level priorities (if you have your product in 2 different campaigns) etc.RemarketingRemarketing (also known as retargeting) aims at ... Read More

How can I increase the page rank of my website?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 06:57:45


Search engines including Google calculate your page rank through different and a very complicated chain of algorithms. In a layman’s word, your website is ranked on the basis of the number of backlinks, internal links, external links, inbound links, no-follow links and do-follow links. Most of the search engines analyze these links and allocate a page rank from 1 to 10 to your website. Following are the tips to improve page rank.Quality ContentUndoubtedly, there is no substitute for high-quality content and if you maintain the flow of good content then half of the battle is won. In plain terms, quality ... Read More
