1. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding?
  2. List any two reasons for carbon forming a very large number of compounds.
  3. An organic acid 'X' is a liquid which often freezes during winter time in cold countries, has the molecular formula C2H4O2. On warming it with ethanol in the presence of a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid, a compound 'Y with a sweet smell is formed.
    1. Identify X and Y
    2. Write a chemical equation for the reaction involved.

(a) Carbon has 4 electrons in its valence shell. In order to attain stability, it can neither gain 4 electrons nor lose 4 electrons as losing 4 electrons involves a lot of energy. Also, it cannot gain 4 electrons because the nucleus cannot hold on to the four extra electrons added. Hence, to complete the octet, it shares 4 electrons with other atoms. This is why carbon forms compound mainly by covalent bonding.  

(b)  Catenation and tetravalency nature of carbon is the reason for the formation of a large number of compounds. The property of the formation of bonds with other carbon atoms to form long chains of different compounds is called catenation. Carbon has 4 electrons in its outermost orbit so it is a tetravalent compound.

(c) (i) The organic acid, X, which often freezes in the winters in cold countries, is ethanoic acid. It has the molecular formula CH3COOH. Y is methyl ethanoate. Its formula is CH3COOCH3.

(ii) The chemical equation is given below:

$CH_3COOH + CH_3OH \xrightarrow {conc. H_2SO_4} CH_3COOCH_3 + H_2O$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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