What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis in Python?

Pychecker and Pylint are the static analysis tools that help to find bugs in python.

Pychecker is an opensource tool for static analysis that detects the bugs from source code and warns about the style and complexity of the bug.

Pylint is highly configurable and it acts like special programs to control warnings and errors, it is an extensive configuration file Pylint is also an opensource tool for static code analysis it looks for programming errors and is used for coding standard. it checks the length of each programming line. it checks the variable names according to the project style. it can also be used as a standalone program, it also integrates with python IDEs such as Pycharm, Spyder, Eclipse, and Jupyter

Pychecker can be simply installed by using pip package pip install Pychecker if suppose if you use python 3.6 version use upgrade pip install Pychecker --upgrade Pylint can be simply installed by using pip package 

pip install Pylint

if suppose if you use python 3.6 version use upgrade

pip install Pylint --upgrade

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019

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