Python sorted containers - An Introduction

Python offers a wide range of data structures to efficiently organize and manipulate data. When it comes to handling sorted data, sorted containers play a crucial role. Sorted containers are data structures that maintain the elements in a sorted order, providing fast access, insertion, and deletion operations. They offer an effective solution for scenarios where maintaining a sorted order is essential.

In this blog post, we will explore the world of Python sorted containers and understand their significance in various applications. We will delve into the different types of sorted containers, such as sorted lists, sorted sets, and sorted dicts, and discuss their features, advantages, and use cases. Additionally, we will compare sorted containers with standard containers to highlight their performance benefits.

Types of Sorted Containers

Python provides several types of sorted containers that cater to different data organization needs. Let's explore the three main types −

Sorted List

A sorted list is a container that maintains its elements in sorted order. It offers fast insertion, deletion, and retrieval of elements. The sorted list is implemented as a combination of a resizable array and binary search trees, allowing efficient operations even with large data sets. It provides methods like add, remove, index, and slice to manipulate the elements and supports various operations like sorting, merging, and finding intersections.

Sorted Set

A sorted set is a collection of unique elements that are sorted in ascending order. It combines the features of a set and a sorted list, allowing efficient membership tests, insertion, and deletion operations. The sorted set provides methods like add, discard, bisect_left, and bisect_right to manage the elements and supports operations such as union, intersection, and difference.

Sorted Dict

A sorted dict is a key-value mapping where the keys are sorted in ascending order. It combines the properties of a dictionary and a sorted list to provide efficient key-based operations. The sorted dict supports methods like get, setdefault, pop, and keys for managing the key-value pairs. It also provides operations such as range queries, floor, and ceiling searches based on keys.

Now that we have a brief overview of the different types of sorted containers, let's explore their features and use cases in detail.

Underlying Data Structure

The sorted containers in Python are implemented using a combination of data structures to achieve efficient sorting and retrieval operations. The main data structure used is a balanced binary search tree (BBST), such as a Red-Black Tree or an AVL Tree. These trees provide fast insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations with a time complexity of O(log n).

Additionally, each node in the BBST maintains additional information to support efficient indexing and range queries. This information includes the size of the subtree rooted at each node, which enables quick calculations for finding the rank of an element or determining the elements within a given range.

Sorting Algorithm

The sorting algorithm used in the sorted containers is typically based on comparisons between elements. The exact algorithm depends on the specific implementation, but common algorithms like Merge Sort or Quick Sort are often employed. These algorithms offer efficient time complexity for sorting operations, usually O(n log n), where n is the number of elements.

Time and Space Complexity

The time complexity of various operations on sorted containers depends on the specific operation and the underlying data structure used. Here is an overview of the typical time complexities 

  • Insertion  O(log n)

  • Deletion  O(log n)

  • Search  O(log n)

  • Indexing  O(log n)

  • Range Queries  O(log n + k), where k is the number of elements in the range

The space complexity of sorted containers is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the container. This includes the space required to store the elements and any additional data structures used for indexing or maintaining the sorted order.


In this article, we explored the concept of sorted containers in Python and their various implementations: sorted lists, sorted sets, and sorted dicts. We discussed their features, use cases, and implementation details. Sorted containers provide a powerful way to maintain elements in sorted order and perform efficient operations like insertion, deletion, retrieval, and range queries.

Updated on: 11-Aug-2023


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