Introduction to Dask in Python

It is becoming more and more crucial to have tools that can manage large-scale data processing due to the exponential growth of data. Dask, a versatile parallel computing framework for Python analytical computing, is one such tool. This article will provide you a thorough introduction to Dask along with useful examples to get you going.

What is Dask?

Dask is a Python parallel computing framework that is adaptable and makes it simple to create user-friendly workflows for ingesting, filtering, and analysing huge datasets. It excels at processing massive data sets that don't fit in memory and integrates seamlessly with well-known Python APIs like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn.

Getting Started with Dask

Pip, the package installer for Python, can be used to install Dask 

pip install dask

Using Dask for Large-Scale Computations

Let's now look at how Dask can be used for large-scale calculations.

Example 1: Using Dask Array

Using blocked algorithms, Dask Array implements a portion of the NumPy ndarray interface. Here's how to build a Dask Array and run calculations with it 

import dask.array as da

x = da.random.random((10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000))
y = x + x.T
z = y[::2, 5000:].mean(axis=1)

The computation in this example is carried out using the compute() function. Dask divides the arrays into chunks and processes each one separately, making optimal use of the available RAM.

Example 2: Using Dask DataFrame

A Dask DataFrame is a sizable parallel DataFrame made up of smaller Pandas DataFrames separated along the index; below is an example of an operation on a Dask DataFrame 

import dask.dataframe as dd

df = dd.demo.make_timeseries('2000', '2001', freq='1d', dtypes={'A': float, 'B': int})
result = df.groupby(df.index.month).mean()

In this illustration, the mean of the columns was calculated for each month using a timeseries DataFrame. Dask DataFrame operations are lazily evaluated, and computation is initiated using compute(), just like Dask Array.

Example 3: Using Dask Delayed

A quick and effective method for parallelizing existing code is Dask Delayed. It enables users to defer function evaluations into concurrent jobs. Here's an illustration 

from dask import delayed

def increment(x):
   return x + 1

def add(x, y):
   return x + y

x = increment(15)
y = increment(30)
z = add(x, y)

The delayed decorator in this example wraps the add and increment functions, making them lazy. With calculate(), the actual computation is started.

Example 4: Using Dask Bag for Unstructured Data

The preparation of data before it is transformed into Dask arrays or dataframes is best accomplished with Dask Bag, also known as dask.bag or db. Text data, log files, and JSON records are examples of unstructured or semi-structured data that Dask Bag handles effectively.

import dask.bag as db

data = db.from_sequence(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dennis', 'Edith', 'Frank'], npartitions=3)
result = x: (x, len(x)))

Example 5: Using Dask ML for Scalable Machine Learning

Scalable machine learning is offered by Dask ML in Python utilising Dask in addition to well-known machine learning frameworks like Scikit-Learn.

from dask_ml.cluster import KMeans
import dask.array as da

X = da.random.random((10000, 50), chunks=(1000, 50))
clf = KMeans(n_clusters=5)

In this illustration, we use Dask Array to create a sizable dataset using the KMeans clustering algorithm from Dask ML.


Dask is a top-notch option for large-scale computations and is an open-source Python library. It is intended to smoothly work with already installed Python libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn. In the era of Big Data, it provides scalable solutions for multi-core processing and distributed computing.

We have looked at a number of Dask's features in this introduction, including its installation, data structures, and use in Python programming. The given examples demonstrate Dask's capabilities, including processing massive Dask arrays, parallelizing operations on Dask dataframes, utilising Dask delayed for lazy evaluation, working with unstructured data using Dask bag, and executing scalable machine learning with Dask ML.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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