What are the differences between combustion and burning?

Differences between combustion and burning

 1. The basic difference is that the combustion reaction is flameless but during burning flame is produced.

2. During combustion, more amount of heat is produced compared to burning. Whereas most of the energy in burning is in producing heat/light/sound.

3. Combustion mostly takes place in hydrocarbons. Whereas burning mostly takes place in solid fuels.

Combustion refers to a process where a substance called fuel reacts with oxygen to give out heat and light.

 In this case, it is not necessary that a substance that undergoes combustion to produce a flame. Substances that vapourize, only produce a flame. For example, charcoal undergoes combustion but instead of forming a flame, it just glows.  

When in a combustion process, if a flame is produced it is referred to as burning. For example, a lighted candle.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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