If radius of a park is 35m , then what is the circumference of the park?

Given: Radius of the park is 35m.

To do: Find the circumference of the park.


Formula to find Circumference of circle  =  2πr

To find out the circumference of circle , radius is necessary.

So, Radius = 35 m is an assumed value in video.

Substitute r = 35 in 2πr

Circumference = 2 π 35

 $\displaystyle \begin{array}{{>{\displaystyle}l}} 2\ \times \frac{22}{7} \ \times \ 35\ \ \ 2\ \times \ 22\ \times \ 5\ \ =\ \ 220 \end{array}$

So, the circumference of park will be 220 m, if the radius of park is 35 m.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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