Magento - Environment Optimization

Magento is a content management system that is commonly known to be performance intensive. Optimizing the speed of your Magento allows customers to have the best user experience while shopping in your ecommerce store. Based on the additional configurations of the server environment, the hosting site providers speed up your store.

The following points describe how to optimize the Magento environment.

  • It uses complex database, so that it needs to be run on dedicated servers.

  • Magento application could be optimized by using cloud computing.

  • Merge you JavaScript and CSS files which reduces the load time dramatically since its loading only one merged file.

  • Proper MySQL configuration is one of the most important aspects in terms of performance.

  • Always upgrade to the latest Magento version allows to perform better.

  • Use a web application accelerator which can speed up your Magento store by 80%.
