How You Can Secure All Your Passwords

With most of our lives is spent in front of screens nowadays, safety is a significant concern, and passwords are the first line of defense for any login, be it your phone screen, your social media account, or even your bank account. Even though we are very aware that our passwords must be foolproof most of us don't take it as seriously. Hackers are looking for a way to access your accounts, be it to steal money or data; they are always on the run to do so. Here we will be discussing how you can secure all your passwords.

How to Secure Your Passwords?

You can use the following methods to secure your passwords −

Use strong passwords

Many internet accounts are hacked and hijacked due to users using simple passwords that are easy to remember or guess, making it easy for others to gain access. Using strong passwords to safeguard your account is one approach to avoid being worried about getting hacked. Using a password consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters in your password is one approach to make it more secure.

Making long passwords is another option. Longer passwords, while usually the bare minimum, provide additional security.

Two-factor authentication

Everyone should utilize two-step authentication for their online accounts whenever possible. This is an option that most banks and major social media platforms provide. As the name implies, two-step authentication entails entering your password and entering a number only you have access to. The number might be reaching you through your registered email id or phone number.

Take advantage of biometrics if it is available

A fingerprint instead of a password is becoming more common on smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This not only makes your password more secure but also keeps you from forgetting it.

Use multiple passwords and update them regularly

Try to create a habit of using different passwords for each site or account. It's not advisable since if hackers obtain a password from one site, they'll attempt it on all of your other sites.

Using the same password for work and personal accounts is never a good idea. If there is a breach, the invaders will have no trouble accessing all of your accounts. Also, remember to change your passwords regularly.

Keep your password to yourself

You may be intimidated to share your passwords with others, your family, or friends, do not share your passwords with anybody, be it your social media account or your bank account; always make sure not to give away such sensitive data.

Use a password manager

Password managers keep track of the many usernames and passwords you use on different websites, increasing security and saving you time by automatically filling in username/password boxes. They'll also sync your passwords across all of your devices, so you won't be stumped if you log on to a site on your phone but register on your desktop.

Update your software regularly

By allowing and auditing Automatic Updates, you can always guarantee that you're running the most recent software versions. Older versions may not support high encryption levels and may have other security vulnerabilities for remote access.


Even though you follow all the tips above, you are still prone to get attacked, but it's just that you will less likely be a victim. I hope you all have a safe time online and offline.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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