How to Use Technical SEO to Optimize for Job Posting Schema

According to Google, companies miss out on opportunities by not optimizing their job postings. The company provides advice on how to fix this problem.

In this job season, which is the busiest on record, it is important to focus on only the best candidates.

How are you able to do something like that?

You can do this by providing more context in the description. Not providing enough information in that area leaves companies vulnerable to receiving resumes from unqualified applicants.

Furthermore, businesses risk not receiving applications from qualified candidates.

It's beneficial for both parties if employers are clear about the qualifications they seek in applicants.

They won't waste their time applying for a position they won't be considered for, and you won't waste yours reviewing applications from people who don't have the skills or education you require.

Here's a simple way to enhance your job ads and entice qualified candidates to apply for specific openings.

Understanding Job Posting Schema

Job posting syntax is an organized data code that gives search engines more information about your job ads. By using a job posting structure, you can make your job postings look better in search engine results pages (SERPs) by adding rich pieces. This will make them more interesting and useful to people interested in applying.

To add a job offering format to your website, you'll need to include certain features, such as −

  • Job title

  • Hiring organization

  • Job location

  • Date posted

  • Employment type (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract)

  • Job description

Step-by-Step Guide to Optimize Job Posting Schema with Technical SEO

Improving the visibility and reach of your job postings is possible through technical SEO optimization of your job posting schema. You can improve your job postings' visibility in SERPs by giving search engines complete, well-structured data about them. This detailed tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about implementing technical SEO into your job posting schema.

A. Choose The Right Schema Format

Schema markup can be applied to a website in three main ways. It's important to familiarize oneself with the various schema formats before optimizing job posting schema −

  • JSON-LD − A Google-recommended lightweight format, JSON-LD is simple to implement and maintain. It's not part of the HTML. Therefore, it won't muddle up your website's structure.

  • Microdata − It is a method for adding structured data to your HTML documents using tags and attributes.

  • The Resource Description Framework (RDFa) − It is an HTML5 extension that, like Microdata, allows you to add structured data to your website by means of attributes.

All three formats are acceptable. However, Google suggests you use JSON-LD when implementing the job posting schema. As a bonus, JSON-LD may be managed and updated independently of your website's HTML.

B. Markup Your Job Ads with JSON-LD

Follow these steps to generate JSON-LD formatted schema markup for your job posting −

  • To learn more about what should be included in your job posting schema and what is optional, check out the JobPosting documentation on

  • You can use a tool like Google's Structured Data Markup Helper or the JSON-LD Playground to create the necessary JSON-LD code for your job ad. Include the job's title, company, location, posting date, employment type, and description.

  • To improve your job posting's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), modify the resulting JSON-LD code to include the required characteristics.

C. Update Your Site with the Markup

Insert the HTML markup for job postings once you've finished creating it. In most cases, the JSON-LD markup for a job posting will go in the page's head>. A separate schema markup must be made and included for each job posting if you have more than one.

Use Google's Rich Results Test tool to double-check that your job-posting schema markup is properly implemented and error-free.

D. Text Your Markup

  • Put your job posting page's URL into the Rich Results Test tool.

  • To begin, go ahead and click the "Test URL" button.

  • Check the validation results to see if your markup is correct and for any warnings or errors.

If problems are found, correct your JSON-LD code and run the tests again until your markup is flawless.

E. Evaluate the Success of Your Job Ads

Keeping tabs on how well your job postings are doing will let you fix any problems and get the most out of your schema markup. Use Google Search Console to monitor your job ads' reach, engagement, and effectiveness.

You may want to go back and tweak your job posting schema markup if you see a decline in performance or room for enhancement.


Applying technical search engine optimization to your job posting schema is a potent way to increase the discoverability of your openings and entice qualified applicants. If you follow the advice in this article, your website will be optimized to attract qualified candidates for open positions. Boost your applicant pool by enhancing your job postings immediately.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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