How can I improve my HTML skill?

Do you know what improvement in skill means? Improvement means when you understand where you are lacking behind with the latest trends. Improvement means you are filling and overcoming your bugs in the code. As HTML is a simple markup language, in HTML we only need to understand the tags and elements. To improve your skills in HTML, you should at least practice a code daily. This habit will make your code bug free and will also help you to create a new, creative and a faster way to build an application.

Quality of a good developer

A good developer is one who has creativity in his work and writes self declarative class names and id names. You should always write code in a formatted manner so that it is understandable by other developers also. It should not be like that if you have coded an application then you can only understand the lines of code. If possible try to use comments in your code.

Minor mistakes by developer

There are various practices that a developer follows as a beginner, like he used to messed up a CSS styling code and a JavaScript code in a HTML code itself. This practice cannot be followed within the larger projects. So try to use the external styling and external script files. To make a formatted HTML you should always create a proper HTML div container or section.

Want good hands on HTML

To get good hands on practice on HTML can only be achieved by creating projects. When you are clear with basics of HTML you should move on towards building your personal HTML projects which will help you more in clearing the concepts as simply reading and watching tutorials will not help you to improve your skills until and unless you had not practiced them on your editor. After creating a project by seeing, now create a simple project of your own and you will master the HTML.

For getting practice on HTML projects you can try building:

  • A simple portfolio website

  • Web Pages layout

  • Clone Social Media Websites

Working on the above projects will help you to improve your most of the skills in HTML. Improvement does not mean that you have learned a skill by any of the tutorials and have built a project. But improvement is that you do not follow your previous mistake and should learn from that.

Analysis before implementation

Before starting coding your application, firstly you should analyze the design of the project carefully. Take your time and analyze it. For example, if we are given a design of a web page which we have to build, first we should create a component of the web page in our mind so that we can make the section or container of it. As before creating the section in the HTML code first we had to build a prototype of that code in our mind.


In conclusion, if you seriously want to improve your skills then do not use any of the artificial intelligence tools to create a code. To improve your skill you should write your code from scratch which will help you to learn yourself where you are creating mistakes. As a good practice always specify a class or an id name in your HTML element or tag. If you are using the VS Code editor then in the starting just avoid the emmit version of the HTML code, as it will not help you to learn more about HTML tags and at last if you want to achieve something then do not take a break as it improves your coding skills. Always search for some new trending HTML web pages and analyze how they are structured and try to build you web pages.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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