How do I export my HTML page as a PDF using JavaScript?

An HTML page can be converted into a PDF file using JavaScript tools like jsPDF or html2pdf.js. These libraries make it easier to generate PDF files directly from web page HTML text. Users will have the choice to download or save the finished PDF when the HTML elements and their corresponding styles have been captured and converted to PDF format. One may easily enable this functionality and provide the convenience of printable, offline content representation by inserting necessary JavaScript code into the web application. This functionality is useful for producing reports, producing printable versions of web material, and giving consumers an offline document version of your website.

Methods Used

  • jsPDF Approach

  • html2pdf.js Approach

jsPDF Approach

Developers use the jsPDF library in the jsPDF method to export an HTML page to a PDF using JavaScript. They can dynamically create a PDF document on the client-side by embedding the jsPDF library in the HTML file. To add content like text, photos, and tables to the PDF, a new instance of jsPDF must be created and its methods must be used. The content of the HTML page is first transformed into a canvas before being added to the PDF with jsPDF's addImage() method. Finally, you may use the save() or output() methods to download or save the created PDF. This method offers more control over the content alteration, making it appropriate in situations where specific styling and content organization are essential for the creation of a PDF.


  • The HTML file should contain the jsPDF library − You must include the library in your HTML file in order to use jsPDF. To accomplish this, provide a script tag that points to the jsPDF library file.

  • Make a fresh instance of jsPDF and configure it as required − You generate a new instance of the jsPDF object after incorporating it. In accordance with your needs, you can also build up configurations for things like page size, orientation, margins, and other aspects.

  • To choose the HTML element or create a DOM element from the HTML string − The HTML information that you want to export as a PDF must be located. To accomplish this, either choose an existing HTML element from the DOM or use JavaScript to transform an HTML string into a DOM element.

  • Use an HTML to canvas library to convert the chosen HTML into a canvas (optional for jsPDF) − In this phase, you may choose whether to transform the chosen HTML content into a canvas element using an external library like html2canvas. This process guarantees accurate rendering of sophisticated HTML elements in the final PDF product.

  • Making use of the jsPDF addImage() method, add the canvas to the PDF − Using the jsPDF addImage() method, you can now add the canvas you created from the HTML content to the PDF file. This technique inserts the canvas element into the PDF using the input.

  • Use other jsPDF methods to add more content to the PDF if necessary − In addition to the HTML content that has been converted, you can use other jsPDF methods to add more content to the PDF, such as text, photos, or shapes. This enables you to further personalize the PDF file.

  • Making use of the jsPDF save() or output() methods to download or store the PDF file − After the PDF has been prepared, the user's device can begin downloading it by using the save() method. An alternative is to retrieve the PDF through the output() method as a data URI, which may then be utilized for a variety of purposes, such as showing the PDF right in the browser.

html2pdf.js Approach

The html2pdf.js solution makes use of the html2pdf.js package to export an HTML page as a PDF using JavaScript. Using this library, programmers can dynamically transform a subset of HTML components into a PDF file. They use JavaScript to choose the necessary HTML content and pass it, together with any further customizations, to the html2pdf() function. The conversion is subsequently handled by the library, which also records the organization and presentation of the content. By automatically translating HTML text and requiring less manual involvement, it streamlines the PDF generating process. Users can quickly download or save the PDF after it has been created using ordinary browser features. Developers that want a simple solution without getting into low-level PDF content manipulation should use this method.


  • Your HTML file should contain the html2pdf.js library.

  • Choose the HTML element(s) that you want to convert to PDF.

  • Create a command line function to launch the PDF conversion.

  • Interior of the function −

  • Choose the HTML element(s) using DOM manipulation in JavaScript.

  • Provide the selected element(s) and any further configurations to the html2pdf() function.

  • The library will translate the HTML material into a PDF format, keeping the HTML's formatting and organization.

  • Create the PDF file and save it to your computer's memory.

  • Allow user to download or save PDF with a link/button.

  • Use conventional browser download methods to start the PDF download when the user selects the download or save option.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Export HTML to PDF</title>
   <script src="path/to/html2pdf.js"></script>
   <div id="content">
      <h1>Hello, this will be exported as a PDF!</h1>
      <p>This is some sample content that will be in the PDF.</p>

   <button id="exportButton">Export to PDF</button>

      function exportHTMLtoPDF() {
         let htmlElement = document.getElementById('content');


      document.getElementById('exportButton').addEventListener('click', exportHTMLtoPDF);


In conclusion, developers can export HTML pages as PDFs using JavaScript utilizing both the jsPDF and html2pdf.js methods. In situations demanding exact formatting and content arrangement, the jsPDF technique offers more control over content manipulation. The html2pdf.js technique, on the other hand, provides a simpler solution because it automatically converts HTML information to PDF and necessitates less manual intervention. Developers can select the best strategy depending on their own requirements and preferences. The ability to generate printed information, reports, and offline documents is made possible by HTML exporting as PDFs, which improves the usability and overall user experience of web pages.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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