GitLab CI - Environment Setup


GitLab CI (Continuous Integration) service is a part of GitLab which manages the project and user interface and allows unit tests on every commit and indicates with warning message when there is a unsuccessful of build.

The environment setup for GitLab CI includes following requirements −

Software Requirements

  • Ubuntu 12.0.x or Debian/Linux
  • Ruby 1.9.3+
  • GitLab 6.3+
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL

Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 2GB

Installing Dependencies

Step 1 − First, login to your GitLab server using SSH (Secure Shell).

Step 2 − Verify whether system is up to date or not by using below command −

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
GitLab Environment Setup

Step 3 − Next, install the required dependencies −

sudo apt-get install wget curl gcc checkinstall libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev libc6-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libmysql++-dev make build-essential
sudo apt-get install openssh-server git-core libyaml-dev
sudo apt-get install redis-server postfix libpq-dev libicudev

Step 4 − Now, install the Ruby by creating a directory under /tmp folder −

mkdir /tmp/ruby && cd /tmp/ruby

Step 5 − Install the Ruby package with the below command −

curl --progress | tar xj
cd ruby-2.0.0-p353
./configure –disable-install-rdoc && make && sudo make install

Step 6 − After installing the Ruby, install the package manager for Ruby −

sudo gem install bundler –no-ri –-no-rdoc
GitLab Environment Setup

Step 7 − Now create a new user to run the GitLab CI service instead of running as root user. (For security reasons, we are creating new user) −

sudo adduser –disabled-login –gecos 'GitLab CI' gitlab_ci

Step 8 − Install the PostgreSQL to run GitLab CI −

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client libpq-dev

Step 9 − Now, login to PostgreSQL −

sudo –u postgres psql –d template1

Step 10 − Create a new user and database in PostgreSQL and give the privileges to the user −

template1 = # CREATE USER gitlab_ci;
template1 = # CREATE DATABASE gitlab_ci_production OWNER gitlab_ci;
GitLab Environment Setup

Step 11 − After installing all the dependencies, you can exit from the PostgreSQL as shown below −

template1 = # \q
GitLab Environment Setup