Explain the three major types of object relations in Salesforce?

Salesforce is an industry pioneer in the fields of customer relationship management (CRM) as well as business automation, offering powerful tools as well as solutions to expedite diverse organizational processes. The object relations of Salesforce's architecture, that specify how various data objects interact and link inside the system, are one of its core features. Object relations serve as vital for organizing and organizing data, enabling companies to operate more effectively.

The three different object relations in Salesforce are covered in-depth in this article, along with their significance and uses.

Master-Detail Relationship

Within the Salesforce data model, the master-detail relationship is a fundamental building piece. One object is referred to as the "master" in this kind of interaction, while another is referred to as the "detail." The detail object is subject to the master object's influence, which frequently decides its behaviour and ownership. The master object becomes the parent in a parent-child relationship as a result of this connection, and the detail object becomes the child.

Key characteristics

  • Ownership − The detail object is owned by the master object. All related detail records are also automatically removed when a master record is erased.

  • Cascade Behaviour − Changes made to the master record may have a cascading effect on the detail records. For instance, the relevant field on the detail records may also be updated automatically if a field on the master record is altered.

  • Security − The detailed records may be impacted by the security settings on the master record. The sharing options for the master record can be used to limit who has access to detailed records.

Use Case

When two items need to be connected strongly as parents and children, the master-detail relationship is frequently utilized. Consider about a situation where a "Project" object serves as the master and a "Task" object serves as the detail. There might be several tasks related to each project. Since the tasks in this situation are dependent on the projects, all of the tasks associated with a project should also be eliminated.

Lookup Relationship

A lookup relationship in Salesforce represents a more adaptable connection between two objects. In this relationship, one item is the "parent," and another one is the "child," although, unlike a master-detail relationship, the parent is not deemed to possess or have authority over the kid. On the contrary, a lookup field on the child object stores a reference to the parent object.

Key characteristics

  • Ownership − Unlike master-detail relationships, there exists no ownership or control amongst the parent and child objects. It's not necessary to manually delete the child records that have been connected to a parent record.

  • Cascade Behaviour − Lookup relationships do not use cascade behavior.

  • Security − Parent and child objects are subject to separate security settings.

Use Case

Whenever it's necessary to connect two items without the rigid dependencies of a master-detail relationship, lookup relationships are appropriate. Think about a "Opportunity" object and a "Contact" object, for instance. Although every chance has a unique contact attached to it, the opportunity shouldn't also be deleted when the contact is deleted. A lookup relationship in this situation enables a more adaptable connection while preserving data integrity.

Hierarchy Relationship

The hierarchy connection is a particular kind of relationship that is only utilized with standard objects like "User" and "Group" in Salesforce. It specifies a hierarchical structure in which each record is connected to a single record that is immediately preceding it. Hierarchies within organizations or reporting structures are frequently represented by this relationship.

Key characteristics

  • Hierarchy Structure −  Each record in the hierarchy has a parent record immediately above it. Records are organized into layers in a structure that resembles a tree as a result.

  • Access Control − The level of a record's hierarchy may affect that record's access. Records of users lower in the hierarchy may be accessible to users higher up.

Use Case

When modeling employee-manager connections, the hierarchy relationship often considers that each user (employee) has a manager (parent) immediately above them. By ensuring that users can only access and alter records within their designated scope, this relationship is especially useful for setting security and data visibility restrictions based on the hierarchy.


The foundation of Salesforce's data organization and interaction is its object relationships. Lookup connections give flexibility, hierarchy relationships specify reporting structures, and master-detail relationships enable stringent control and ownership. The exact business requirements and the nature of the data interactions will determine the best sort of connection to use. Businesses may use Salesforce more efficiently, improve the integrity of their data, and streamline their operational procedures by comprehending and successfully utilizing these interactions.

Updated on: 02-Nov-2023


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