Electron Gain Enthalpy of Elements in Modern Periodic Table

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 14:02:33


Introduction The quantity of energy released or absorbed when a neutral isolated gaseous atom absorbs an $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ to create a negatively charged anion is described as electron gain enthalpy. When the $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ joins with the isolated gaseous atom, energy can be produced or absorbed, depending on whether the process is exothermic or endothermic. The greater the energy released during the mixing process, the greater the electron gain enthalpy, indicated as ๐›ฅ๐ป๐‘’๐‘”. $$\mathrm{X(g)\:+\:e^{-}\rightarrow\:X^{-}(g)}$$ Normally, exothermic processes occur, resulting in a negative electron gain enthalpy. Because halogens only require one atom to achieve the noble gas configuration, they have a substantially negative ... Read More

Types of Solar Panels

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 13:58:54


Solar energy is becoming one of the most popular methods of generating electricity. It is because the solar energy is clean and does not cause any environment pollution like green-house effect, air pollution, etc. Also, it is renewable, as it will deplete over time. The solar energy is freely available from the sun light and we can develop certain kind of mechanisms like solar panels to utilize the solar energy. A solar panel is an opto-electric device that is used for converting energy from sun light into electricity. Based on the technology used in manufacturing the solar panels, there are ... Read More

What are Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR)?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 13:48:11


In electrical power system, there is a device called Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) used to adjust the voltage levels within a desired limit. In other words, an automatic voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that is primarily used for regulating the output voltage of an electric generator, so that we can obtain a constant voltage even when the load is fluctuating. This tutorial will explain the construction, working, needs, advantages, and applications of automatic voltage regulators (AVRs). So, letโ€™s start with the basic introduction of automatic voltage regulator. What is an Automatic Voltage Regulator? An AVR or Automatic Voltage Regulator ... Read More

What are Monocrystalline Solar Panels?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 13:43:35


Monocrystalline solar panels are one of the most popular types of solar panel available in the market and is used for generating electricity from sunlight. The primary reason behind its popularity is its relatively high efficiency in all weather conditions. Although it is a relatively expensive solar panel than other types of solar panels. In this article, I will explain all the important concepts of the monocrystalline solar panel, such as its construction, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. So, letโ€™s start with the basic introduction of the monocrystalline solar cell which is its fundamental building block. What is a ... Read More

What is Floating Neutral?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 13:28:46


In an electrical system, there are three types of conductors used, they are phase, neutral, and ground. In general, the neutral wire is grounded for safety and stability reasons. But sometimes, a condition occurs where the neutral wire of the systems is disconnected from the ground terminal, this condition is known as floating neutral. In some special situations, the neutral wire is intentionally left isolated from the ground terminal, this is also known as floating neutral. In this article, we will learn about floating neutral in electrical systems, its effects, causes, and methods of testing and fixing the floating ... Read More

Chord of a Circle, Its Length and Theorems

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:43:09


Introduction A chord is a line segment connecting any two points located on the circumference of the circle . The circle is a well-known two-dimensional shape used in Euclidean geometry. It has various components, including chord, radius, diameter, etc. In this tutorial, we will discuss the definition, formulae, and some theorems related to the chord of a circle. Circles The circle is a two-dimensional figure drawn on a plane in such a way that each point on the circle is equidistant to a fixed point. The fixed point is known as the center of the circle. The dimension of ... Read More

Completing the Square Method

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:40:49


Introduction Completing the square is an algebraic technique for writing a quadratic expression that contains the perfect square . The Quadratic Formula is the most basic method for determining the roots of a quadratic equation. Certain quadratic equations cannot be easily factorised, and in these cases, we can use this quadratic formula to find the roots as quickly as possible. The roots of the quadratic equation also aid in determining the sum and product of the roots of the quadratic equation. The quadratic formula's two roots are presented as a single expression. The positive and negative signs can be used ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:39:29


Introduction A cone has a curved surface at the bottom; therefore, it contains two surface areas that are total surface area is the total surface area covered by the cone, whereas the curved surface the area consists of the surface area covered by the curved surface, which is the surface area other than the bottom circular flat surface. A cone has a vertex or an apex and a slant height. In this tutorial, we will discuss cones, slant height, curved surface area, total surface area, and a few solved examples. Cones Cones are three-dimensional figures with a circular surface at ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:37:14


Introduction A cuboid is a solid shape or a three-dimensional shape in geometry. A cuboid is an 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 rectangular faces convex polyhedron. A cuboid is also known as a rectangular prism. An example of a cuboid in the real world is a rectangular box. What is cuboid? Imagine a shape that results from stacking numerous congruent rectangles on top of one another. The resultant shape is known as a cuboid. Dimensions of a Cuboid In order to describe the length, width (breadth), or height of an edge of a cuboid shape, it should be ... Read More

Diagonal Matrices

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2024 14:35:03


Introduction A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zero. Matrices are used in practical life events like military parades, school parades, and planting. The concept of matrix and determinant is recorded as having appeared in the fourth century B.C, although its use is thought to have begun only in the second century BC. Then, towards the end of the seventeenth century, the concept of matrix and determinants came back into use. Mathematical models of everyday world problems are formed as sets of linear equations. Matrices are essential and inevitable to solve ... Read More

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