CSS2 - Print Properties

This is a complete reference guide for web developers where we have listed all the CSS properties related to print defined in the World Wide Web Consortium's Recommended Specification for Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.

Click any property to see its description with examples −

Sr.No. Property & Description
1 marks

The marks property is used to set crop marks and cross marks on paged media. This is used with the @page rule.

2 orphans

Sets the minimum number of lines allowed in an orphaned paragraph fragment.

3 page

Associates a named page layout with an element.

4 page-break-after

Forces or suppresses page breaks after an element.

5 page-break-before

Forces or suppresses page breaks before an element.

6 page-break-inside

Suppresses page breaks within an element.

7 size

The size property is used in paged media to specify the size of the page.

8 widows

Sets the minimum number of lines allowed in a widowed paragraph fragment.

9 width

Defines the width of an element.
